Subject: Campus News 2-8-21

Monday, February 8, 2021
"He does according to His will among the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth; and none can stay His hand or say to Him, “What have You done?” Daniel 4:35
Current Events   
  • Feb 10 Staff Prayer & Fasting 
  • Feb 12 Staff Valentines Banquet (Cancelled)
  • Feb 14 Singspiration (Auditorium, 6:00 PM) 
  • Feb 19 EXCEL Banquet (6:00 PM; please RSVP)
  • Feb 20 Blood Drive
  • Feb 24 Birthday Lunch
  • March 6 Plasma Drive for recovered COVID patients
Current COVID Protocols 
The following ministry protocols were announced at Wednesday's Staff Meeting last week and will be in place until further notice. 

- Masks on indoors when at work and unable to maintain 6-ft. distance
- Staff should keep record of their temperature at the start of each day
- Please stay home if you have a fever or are coughing. Staff are not required to test for COVID or receive the vaccine. If you choose not to get tested, you are recommended to self-quarantine for 7–10 days, though it is not required. 
- Daily Prayer Times will be held in the Dining Room instead of Faculty Dining to allow for additional spacing between staff. 
- Sanitizer should be readily available in your work area. If you need a refill, please contact Housekeeping. 
Valentines Banquet Cancelled
Unfortunately, due to the rising COVID cases on campus, it was decided to cancel this year's Valentine Banquet. Although we are unable to gather in person next week, we hope you will be able to still enjoy the evening together on your own. The following individuals are available if you would like to arrange childcare.
It's About to Get Chilly
With the cold front moving through this weekend, you may wish to detach any hoses from your exterior faucets. Stay warm!  
Singspiration this Sunday
There will be a Singspiration this Sunday, February 14 at 6:00 PM in the Auditorium. If you have special music you'd like to share, please contact Capt. Vanderford.
Blood & Plasma Drive | Capt. Vanderford
Thank you for your contribution to those in our community in need of blood. Collectively, you donated 47 units of blood on Saturday, blowing Carter Blood Care’s goal of 26 units out of the water! Way to go!! If you'd like to see the results of your COVID Antibody test, it should be posted on your Carter Bloodcare account within 2 weeks.

I know that some of you were not able to donate, which is why we have another drive scheduled for Saturday, February 20. I’d like to collect 16 units in that drive. We will also have another drive on Saturday, March 6 to collect plasma from people who have recovered from COVID-19. You can see info on this type of donation here. You will be able to donate then as long as you have confirmation that you had COVID, and haven’t given blood in the previous two weeks.

Prayer and Fasting | Dr. Levendusky
Our day of prayer and fasting will be this Wednesday, February 10 at noon in the main Dining Room. This will replace our usual staff meeting/meal. We would encourage all on campus to set aside time this day for special prayer.
Upcoming Staff Sale
Though we don't have a confirmed date, the Weisses are planning and preparing for another Staff/Ministry Sale. Stay tuned for additional information or contact Mrs. Weiss for details. 
Leadership Corner | Maj. Boulden
In recent years, the internet's toxic buffet of fake news, conspiracy theories, and confirmation bias has created a trust crisis. We have not cultivated patterns of information health to boost our immunity. Any crisis of trust is also a crisis of truth, which should worry Christians. We believe we have the truest truth the world needs—the truth that sets free (John 8:32). How do we rebuild trust and provide more fertile ground for seeds of truth? Learn more at How to Weather the Trust Crisis
Battalion Update | Capt. Vanderford
The past ten days have been tough for the battalion due to the changes and uncertainty, so I think everyone is glad to be heading back toward some version of normal this week. We are grateful for an entire week with no new illnesses. 2nd Phase will be split between diving, high-angle rescue, and fire class this week. Please pray for the battalion for encouragement, maturity and desire for growth, and direction as they decide what to do after this quarter. Please pray for the leadership for encouragement, God’s strength in our weakness, and wisdom for difficult situations.

Salad, Chicken Pot Pie
Dinner: Salad, Chili, Cornbread

Lunch: Salad, Southwest Bean and Bacon Wraps, Tortilla Soup
Dinner: Salad, Mini Meatloaves, Mashed Potatoes, Rolls, Peach Cobbler

Lunch: Salad, Smoked Paprika Chicken, Rice Pilaf, Parmesan Squash, Rolls
Dinner: Salad, Salsa Verde Enchiladas, Tortilla Chips, Salsa/Guacamole

Breakfast: Fruit, Scrambled Eggs, Smoked Sausage, Blueberry Muffins, Juice/Coffee, Cereal/Milk
Lunch: Salad, Grilled Cheese Sandwiches, Beef Gnocchi Soup
Dinner: Caesar Salad, Chicken Spaghetti, Green Beans, Breadsticks

Lunch: Cole Slaw, Chick-fil-A Sandwiches, Waffle Fries, Ketchup
Dinner: Salad, Pizza, Lemonade

Brunch: Fruit Salad, Strawberry Scones, Western Omelet Bake, Yogurt Parfait, Juice/Coffee
International ALERT Academy, One Academy Blvd., Big Sandy, Texas 75755, United States
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