Subject: Campus News 2-15-21

Monday, February 15, 2021
"Beloved, let us love one another, because love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God." 1 John 4:7
Current Events   
  • Feb 19 EXCEL Banquet (6:00 PM; please RSVP by today)
  • Feb 20 Blood Drive (cancelled)
  • Feb 24 Birthday Lunch
  • March 6 Blood & Plasma Drive
Freezing Pipes Update | Capt. Overby
I hope you are all enjoying the unusual weather! I wanted to get the word out that we are having some problems with pipes freezing in the faculty row houses. To help mitigate this problem, we are asking those in the houses to turn the hot and cold indoor faucets that are on an outside wall to a fast drip. This should help keep the water from freezing. We also will have someone from facilities come to each house and check the outside faucets. If we can thaw them out, we will leave them dripping as well. Please join us in praying that we can remedy this problem without broken pipes.
EXCEL Banquet
If you are interested in attending the EXCEL Banquet this Friday, please RSVP by today, Monday, February 15. Below is the EXCEL graduation schedule for reference. 

3:30–5:00 PM EXCEL Graduation Ceremony (Auditorium)
6:00 PM EXCEL Banquet (Faculty Dining Room) 
Current COVID Protocols 
The following ministry protocols were announced at Wednesday's Staff Meeting, Feb. 3 and will be in place until further notice. 
  • Masks on indoors when at work and unable to maintain 6-ft. distance
  • Staff should keep record of their temperature at the start of each day
  • Please stay home if you have any COVID symptoms. Staff are not required to test for COVID or receive the vaccine. If you choose not to get tested, you are recommended to self-quarantine for 10 days or 24-48 hours since your last symptom. 
  • Daily prayer times will be held in the Dining Room instead of Faculty Dining to allow for additional spacing between staff. 
  • Sanitizer should be readily available in your work area. If you need a refill, please contact Housekeeping. 
February Challenge | Jeff Bedford
The Publications Department is challenging staff and their families to memorize 1 Corinthians 13 this month. If you have already memorized the whole chapter, they'd like to challenge you to memorize 1 John 4 instead. Both of these chapters are on love and very appropriate to learn during the month of Valentine's Day. Those who learn and recite either chapter by the end of this month are eligible for a prize from Publications while supplies last. Details here!
Blood & Plasma Drive Update 
Carter Blood Care has cancelled the drive on February 20, but will plan to draw both whole blood and COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma (CCP) on March 6th. If you had a confirmed case of COVID and are willing to donate plasma, please visit Carter’s website or contact Phillip for more information.
Upcoming Staff Sale
Though we don't have a confirmed date, the Weisses are planning and preparing for another Staff/Ministry Sale. Stay tuned for additional information or contact Mrs. Weiss for details. 
Leadership Corner | Maj. Boulden
Halfway through the Winter Semester. With five weeks down and five more to go, it's easy to fall into the trap of being overly busy. Everyone who wants to be busy is busy, but not everyone is productive. Busy is simply a series of choices about how to spend the next minute. Productive requires skill, persistence, and good judgment. Productive means that you have created something of value.

Perhaps your self-created busyness is causing you to be less productive. Keep up the good work. Keep being productive. Keep holding the line. Keep forging on!

Battalion Update | Capt. Vanderford
Classes continue to move along well this week. The extreme cold is adding a few extra challenges, but Captain Hawley has been doing admirably as he re-works the training schedule multiple times per week. As we are at the halfway point in the quarter it is easy to become complacent. Please pray that the men will willingly accept the encouragement from their leadership, and that they will individually strive for growth.
MENU  Subject to change based on food delivery.

Salad, Chicken Strips, Sweet Potato Casserole, Corn, Biscuits
Dinner: Salad, Beef Stroganoff, Pasta, Broccoli, Rolls

Lunch: Salad, White Chicken Chili, Cheese & Caramelized Onion Rolls

Dinner: Fruit, Fried Eggs, Donuts, Sausage, Oatmeal and toppings, Coffee, Hot Chocolate, Juice

Staff Lunch: Salad, Butter Chicken, Rice, Naan, Mango Lassis
Dinner: Salad, Chili Dogs, Potato Chips and Dip

Breakfast: Fruit, Apple French Toast, Scrambled Eggs, Bacon
Lunch: Salad, Potato Soup, Beef Sandwiches
Dinner: Taco Salad, Tortilla Chips, Cheese, Tomatoes, Sour Cream, Salsa, Jalapenos

Lunch: Caesar Salad, Grilled Chicken, Bacon Ranch Green Beans, French Bread
Dinner: Salad, Swedish Meatballs, Mashed Potatoes, Steamed Carrots, Rolls, Buttermilk Pound Cake with Strawberries and Cream

Brunch: Fruit Salad, Pancakes, Breakfast Burritos
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