Subject: Campus News 12-6-21

Monday, December 6, 2021
"My dwelling place shall be with them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people." Ezekiel 37:27
Current Events    
  • Dec 6–7 Texas A&M Forest Service
  • Dec 7 Kitchen Cleaning Party (Kitchen, 7 PM) 
  • Dec 9 Mandatory Staff Meeting (Dining Room, 12 noon)
  • Dec 9 Staff Christmas Party (Faculty Dining, 7 PM) 
  • Dec 10 Last Staff Prayer Time of 2021
  • Jan 3 First Staff Prayer Time of 2022
  • Jan 5 First Staff Lunch of 2022
Forest Service Meals Today
We have the privilege of hosting the Texas A&M Forest Service today! If you're interested in joining us in the Dining Room for meals, please contact Charissa. Regular meal rate would apply. 
ALERT Store Closed
The store and coffee shop is closed until after inventory is complete. If you would like assistance during this time, please contact Mr. Allison at 903-445-1318. 
Meal Billing
We will be sending out the November and December meal summaries this Tuesday (they will still come as separate emails). The finalized meal bill will follow the next day. Please let us know by tomorrow if any adjustments need to be made to your meal summary and have your meal bills covered by Friday at 12 noon. 
Important Finance Memo
Employees, please be sure to read Finance's important end of year memo
Staff Kid Kitchen Cleaning
Kitchen Cleaning Party this Tuesday, December 7 at 7 PM for any staff kids (or anyone who wants to claim the title for the evening). As an exception to our usual rule, 10-15 year-olds are also welcome and will have designated tasks under the supervision of kitchen staff. Snacks and hot chocolate provided, along with Christmas music. Hope you can join us!
Prayer Time Location Update
Staff Prayer Time will be moved into the Dining Room, Wednesday through Friday, at 12 noon. Our last staff prayer meeting will be Friday, December 10. 
Mandatory All-Staff Meeting
There will be a mandatory meeting for ALERT and IBLP staff on Thursday, December 9 at 12 noon in the Dining Room. 
Staff Christmas Party
Join us Thursday, December 9 at 7 PM in the Faculty Dining Room for our Staff Christmas Party! Please bring a dessert to share; drinks will be provided. 
ALERT Update | Capt. Vanderford
Thank you for all the various things you have all done both personally and in your work responsibilities to support that battalion this year. We couldn't do what we do without support from each department. Thank you each for the ways you contribute as we strive to forge extraordinary men who influence their world for Christ.
Leadership Corner | Asking for Feedback
As we wrap up this year, it's the perfect time to look, listen, and respond to feedback. Asking for feedback can be scary, but it is crucial for healthy teams and fruitful ministries. 

Here are 3 questions to ask your team this week:
  • How’s our communication – any tweaks or changes that could be helpful going into the new year?
  • What are one or two specific things that make you feel valued at work?
  • What is one thing I do that frustrates you or makes your job harder?

LunchSalad, Pretzel Buns, Roast Beef, Cheese, BBQ Sauce, Parmesan Potatoes, Chocolate Chip Cookies
DinnerSalad, Chicken Parmesan, Pasta, Green Beans, Garlic Bread, Dessert
International ALERT Academy, One Academy Blvd., Big Sandy, Texas 75755, United States
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