Subject: Campus News 12-5-22

Monday, December 5, 2022
"We await the blessed hope and glorious appearance of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ." Titus 2:13
Upcoming Events      
  • Dec 6 ETCOG Table Top Exercise (Formal Dining Room) 
  • Dec 6 Staff Christmas Party (6:30 PM, Field House)
  • Dec 6–7 DPS ALERRT Training (Classroom Bldg., Cabins)
  • Dec 8 Staff Morning Prayer Watch (6:00 AM, Admin) 
  • Dec 13–14 DPS ALERRT Training (Classroom Bldg., Cabins)
  • Dec 16 Last staff noon prayer time for 2022.
  • Jan 2 New Year's (Staff Holiday)
  • Jan 3 Staff Prayer Times resume
Prayer Time Moved
On Tuesday, December 6, Staff Prayer Time will be relocated to Basic Training Dining Room while the ETCOG event is in process. 
Staff Christmas Party
We will be doing a staff photo at 6:15 PM in the Gym prior to the Christmas Party! Please arrive promptly and after the photo, we will make our way into the Dining Room for a lovely evening together. 
Staff Morning Prayer Watch
Please come and take the opportunity to seek the Lord together in prayer and praise on the morning of Thursday, December 8 at 6 AM at the Administration building. As we close out the year, there are many praises for God’s watch care this past year, and many needs to intercede for on behalf of others. Come and join in this special prayer time as all staff and family members are invited.
Veterans Banquet Book
Additional copies of Roger Helle's book, "A Time to Kill, A Time to Heal" are available after being given out to our guests at the Veterans Banquet. These books are available at cost to our staff for $11 ($19.95 value). Please note that this book contains discussion on the violence of the war in Vietnam and some of the content may not be appropriate for younger readers. If you are interested in purchasing a copy, please contact Publications at ext. 2301 or 2317. Copies are autographed by Roger Helle as well.
Kitchen Closed
Please note that the Kitchen is officially closed until 2023. They will reopen temporarily to prepare a few lunch meals for our off-campus guests, December 6-7 (see below). Please note that the fellowship meal card will not be available for meals scanned in December. 
Final Meal Balances 
Please note that we will be sending the final meal balances for 2022 later this week. Please take care of any outstanding payments by Friday, December 16.
Welcome Baby Hawley
If you would like to support the Hawleys with a meal as they settle into life with baby Emerson, you can do that here.
Please contact Charissa to RSVP for these meals.   

LunchSalad, Grilled Chicken, Rice Pilaf, Carrots and Broccoli, Rolls, Oatmeal Cookies

LunchSalad, Sloppy Joes, Baked Beans, Potato Chips
International ALERT Academy, One Academy Blvd., Big Sandy, Texas 75755, United States
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