Subject: Campus News 12-2-19

Monday, December 2, 2019
"He Who sits on the throne will shelter them with His presence." Rev. 7:15
Current Events   
  • Dec 2—Ladies Fellowship/Pounding (Faculty Dining, 6:30 PM) 
  • Dec 4—Lost and Found Sale (Dining Room) 
  • Dec 6—Unit 61 Graduation
  • Dec 7–14—Quest Alumni Retreat
  • Dec 9—Couples Appreciation Dinner (Behr's Home)
  • Dec 11last Staff Lunch of 2019
  • Dec 11—Singles Appreciation Party (Behr's Home)
  • Dec 12—Staff Kid Kitchen Cleaning
  • Dec 14—Kitchen Closes
  • Dec 16–Jan 1—Official Shut Down Period Merry Christmas!
  • Jan 4—Kitchen Reopens
  • Jan 8—Staff Lunch
Ladies Fellowship and Old-Fashioned Pounding
Our staff ladies are invited to join us in the Faculty Dining Room this evening, Monday, December 2 at 6:30 PM as we welcome newlyweds Meg Bassett, Raaven Kaiser, and Sarahann Hawley with an old-fashioned “pounding.”
Unit 61 Graduation is Friday, December 6 at 12 PM. Unit 61 will march in at 11:40 AM and seating will begin at 11:45 AM. Regular meal rate applies. Please RSVP today if you're able to attend! 
Williams Christmas Party
Rod and Monica Williams (from Conference and Family Camp) have invited the campus staff to join them for fajitas, fun and fellowship this Saturday, December 7 at 5:00 PM (2231 Starwashed Dr., Midlothian, TX 76065). Many have already received invitations, but even if you didn't, they would love it if you were able to attend. Please RSVP to Monica at 214-215-0247 ASAP! 
Lost and Found Sale
Our Lost and Found Sale will be held this Wednesday in the Dining Room after lunch. Donations include tax.
Christmas Party 
The ALERT Department would like to express their appreciation for the staff with the following gatherings — Couples Christmas Banquet at the Behr's home, Monday, December 9 at 6:30 PM (Childcare is also available) and a Singles Appreciation Party at the Behr's home, Wednesday, December 11 at 6:30 PM. 

Please RSVP for these events to Brooke Hendrich by Wednesday, December 4. 
Staff Kid Kitchen Cleaning
Staff Kid Kitchen Cleaning (along with anyone who would like to claim "staff kid" title) will be Thursday, December 12 at 7 PM. Please bring a snack to share and let the fun begin! The Kitchen will close Saturday, December 14 and reopen Saturday, January 4.
Family Camp Photos
Linked are our 2019 Family Camp Photos! Photos taken of our staff will most likely be found in the "Staff" folder. This link will expire next Monday, Dec. 9, so please download any photos by Sunday. 
Battalion Update
Today marks the men's last week of training. Cadre and Flight will be on deployment until Thursday assisting Samaritan's Purse doing rebuilds in South Texas while CST helps prepare for the upcoming graduation on Friday.
Leadership Corner | Maj. Boulden
As we wrap up the year it can be tempting to think "did we even make a difference?" When we experience times of doubt, we must choose to believe: God is real. God loves me. God can be trusted. There is life after this one. More on "Dealing with Doubt." 

LunchSalad, Croissant Sandwiches, Creamy Wild Rice Soup
DinnerSalad, Cornbread, BBQ Chicken, Green Beans

LunchSalad, Grilled Chicken, Biscuits, Carrots
DinnerSalad, Roasted Potatoes, Meatloaf/Ketchup

Staff LunchSalad, Zippy Corn Chowder, Roast Beef Sandwiches
Dinner: Campus Fellowship (Behr's Home, 6 PM) 

Hot Breakfast: Whole Fruit, Sausage, Eggs, Whole Wheat Muffins, Cereal/Milk/Yogurt, Juice/Coffee
Lunch: Salad, Beef Burritos, Chips and Queso
DinnerFruit, BLT Sandwiches, White Chicken Chili

Banquet: Salad, Roast Beef, Mashed Potatoes, Brown Gravy, Green Beans, Rolls, German Chocolate Cake/Vanilla Bean Ice Cream
Dinner: Salad, Pizza

Brunch: Fruit, Breakfast Casserole, Cream of Wheat, Hashbrowns/Ketchup, Cereal/Yogurt, Milk/Juice/Coffee
International ALERT Academy, One Academy Blvd., Big Sandy, Texas 75755, United States
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