Subject: Campus News 11-20-23

Monday, November 20, 2023
"I call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised, and I am saved..." Psalm 18:3
Upcoming Events      
  • Dec 5–7 DPS Training (Classroom 126, Campground) 
  • Dec 5–7 Single Staff Retreat (see email invite) 
  • Dec 12–14 DPS Training (Classroom 126, Campground)
  • Dec 12–14 Couples Staff Retreat (see email invite) 
End of Year Meal Billing
We will be sending out the last meal billing of the year later this week. If you can make sure your meal balances are paid by Friday, Dec. 1, that would be helpful! 
Missing Kitchen Supplies
Please help us by checking your areas for anything that belongs to the IBLP Kitchen and returning it promptly—thank you! 
Staff Kid Kitchen Cleaning
Staff Kids ages 12+ are invited to join us on Monday, November 20 to help deep clean the kitchen. Snacks will be provided! We'll work from about 6–9 PM and then enjoy the treats together. Please contact Charissa with further questions! 
White Tables
We are trying to locate all of the ministry's white folding tables. If you have any ministry tables in your work or personal spaces, please let Jen Solberg know. 
Mayflower Minutes
The Pilgrims landed near Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts, in 1620, seeking freedom to worship God and obey His Word. In the Fall of 1621, reaping a bountiful harvest, they celebrated their first Thanksgiving, praising God for His abundant provisions and blessings. This year, in April of 2023, almost 400 years later, our dear Brothers and Sisters from Mainland China arrived in their new home in America. This last week, the Mayflower Group had a big celebration with a church in Tyler, where they generously shared their large harvest of sweet potatoes with the other attendees. This Thursday, they will celebrate their first Thanksgiving. Let us join them in remembering the precious freedoms we have to worship and serve the Lord Who has abundantly provided for us!
International ALERT Academy, One Academy Blvd., Big Sandy, Texas 75755, United States
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