Subject: Campus News 11-1-21

Monday, November 1, 2021
"Train yourself for godliness." 1 Timothy 4:7b
Current Events    
  • Nov 2 Prayer and Fasting
  • Nov 6 Fredrickson/Oliverio Wedding (Invite/RSVP)
  • Nov 11 Veterans Banquet (invite your friends!) 
  • Nov 11–14 Cadet Father/Son Event
  • Nov 16 EMT Scenario Day
  • Nov 17 SFG Holiday Luncheon
  • Nov 19 Unit 65 Advancement 
Prayer and Fasting | Dr. Levendusky
I would like to call for setting aside Tuesday, November 2, 2021, as a day of prayer and fasting. There are many praises for all that the Lord has done in these past months, and we should rejoice in them. There are also serious matters facing many of us as individuals and families, along with critical ministry-wide issues.

Nationally, this is also Election Day in the US, and many communities and states are attempting to right wrongs on the civil side. Together, we as Christians can seek the Lord for answers that only He provides through His Word and in working through His people. Please join me and many others as we set this day aside for special prayer and praise to God among our staff and families.

EMT Scenario Day
The EMT's Scenario Day is scheduled for Tuesday, November 16. If you're interested in participating, please contact Lt. Kaiser or Joel Barton at by Tuesday, November 9. 
Family Camp Photos
Photos from Family Camp are available for free download to staff and volunteers here. This link expires Wednesday, December 1. Please keep this link within staff/volunteers. If camp guests are interested in the photos, they can contact Operations for purchase. 
Stewardship Project | Dr. Levendusky
Back in January of this year, I read the two accounts in Scripture where Jesus shares on stewardship with some servants given talents (Matthew 25) or pounds (Luke 19), and how, after some time elapsed, they were asked to give an account for them to the master. I asked each staff to prayerfully consider how they might seek similar ways to advance God’s Kingdom and practice personal stewardship principles in investing and doing things that will be fruitful spiritually and materially for the ministries we are involved in here. As a practical application, a $100 bonus was voluntarily provided as a tangible “talent” for each of us to seek the Lord on how we might multiply that for God’s purposes.

I also indicated that I would like to have our staff share that testimony on how they used their “talent” in spiritual stewardship or practical returns financially for the Kingdom of God. The “increase” of anyone does not need to be returned to IBLP or IAA, but if it is, this will be considered a donation since the $100 was given with no strings attached as a bonus.

I would be very interested in the stories, testimonies, and illustrations on how the Lord guided you to use this “talent” to advance His Kingdom. These stewardship testimonies that you send in can be signed, or they can be anonymous, but it would be encouraging for all of us to learn how the Lord worked in your life and ministry this year to bring an increase.

Please contact me by writing to my email with your testimony, and I would like to receive these reports before Wednesday, December 1. My email is, and I encourage you to pray about how you can report the Lord’s working in your life through this Stewardship Project in 2021.

ALERT Update
The men completed their mid-quarter peer evaluations last week. This week, the flight students are hoping to spend a lot of time in the air. They need to make up for the limited amount they were able to fly in the past several weeks due to weather and the plane being in the shop for maintenance. The EMT students will begin their clinicals tomorrow and will each have 8 shifts through the next several weeks. CST continues to support the campus in the Operations and Facilities departments.

Please pray for:
  • Some paperwork/permissions to go through for flight students.
  • Good experiences for the EMT students and for them to be good witnesses for Jesus.
  • The men in the battalion to become more aware of areas they need to grow, and be willing to both allow Jesus to do His work in them, and put forth the effort necessary to develop in those areas.
Basic Training Update
Unit 65 ventures into its sixth week of training and will be participating in its hardest event so far — the 24-hour Endurance Hike. The Unit headed out this afternoon for Oklahoma and will, LORD willing, start the hike early Tuesday morning. We plan to be back by Wednesday afternoon. Please be in prayer for both the men and the leadership—that we would have great weather, that we would stay healthy and safe, and that we would all finish well.
Leadership Corner 
Once in and while we can start to feel "entitled." You may work harder than anyone else, be here longer, or hold a position that should come with a certain level of respect. All of this may be true, but at the end of the day, it helps no one. "Feeling entitled doesn’t make it more likely that others will listen to you, do what you ask, or respect you... [it] might even get in the way of the work we hope to do." Remember that Christ, the most entitled man in the history of the world came to serve and not be served. Let that be our goal today and every day.

Lunch: Salad, Sweet Potato Bar, Rolls, Butter
Dinner: Salad, Chicken Strips, Green Bean Casserole, Sally Lunn Muffins

Lunch: Salad, Cheese Quesadillas, Taco Soup
Dinner: Salad, Baked Tilapia, Roasted Vegetables, Cheddar Bay Biscuits

Staff Lunch: Salad, Chicken Spaghetti, Green Beans, Breadsticks [Dish Crew Team 2; teams linked here]
Dinner: Salad, Sloppy Joes, Baked Beans, Potato Chips

Lunch: Salad, Chicken Soup, BLTC Avocado Wraps
Dinner: Salad, Swedish Meatballs, Mashed Potatoes, Carrots, Rolls

Lunch: Taco Salad, Mexican Cornbread
Dinner: Caesar Salad, Pizza, Brownies, Lemonade/Sweet Tea

Brunch: Fruit Salad, Strawberry Muffins, Breakfast Burritos, Cereal
International ALERT Academy, One Academy Blvd., Big Sandy, Texas 75755, United States
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