Subject: Campus News 10-5-20

Monday, October 5, 2020
"For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Whoever thus serves Christ is acceptable to God and approved by men." Romans 14:17–18
Current Events   
  • Oct 7—Staff Lunch/Family Camp Briefing 
  • Oct 7—Activity Coordinator Meeting (Dining Room, 1:30 PM)
  • Oct 7—Sports Complex Host Meeting (Dining Room, 2:00 PM)
  • Oct 10–16—Family Camp
  • Oct 10—Full Operations/Battalion Meeting (Sports Complex, 9:00 AM)
  • Oct 10—Dining Room Service Meeting (Dining Room, 11:30 AM)
  • Oct 10—Tuesday Craft Meeting (Dining Room, 12:30 PM)
  • Oct 11—Fair Day Meeting (Corral, 6:00 PM) 
  • Oct 11—Stick Horse Rodeo Meeting (Corral, 6:15 PM) 
  • Oct 17—Family Camp Staff Party (Dining Room, 6:30 PM) 
  • Oct 24—Blood Drive
  • Nov 6–7—Staff/Ministry Yard Sale (response requested below) 
Library open Tuesday, 2–4 PM
Missing Package
Luke Leal is missing a package. It was delivered on Wednesday, September 2. If anyone has seen it, please contact Daniel Staddon in the Finance Department.
Mosquito Spray
The Mosquito Authority is willing to do mosquito spraying around houses if any staff is interested. The cost will be $45 plus tax which will make it close to $50. They will need at least 10 families to take advantage of this deal which is about $25 off the regular fate. If you interested please text Capt. Overby by Tuesday so they can schedule treatment. 
Family Camp Documents

Please RSVP for the meals you plan to attend during Family Camp. Menu is linked here

Family Camp Shirts & Group Photo
Shirts are slightly delayed at the printers. They will be available Saturday morning from the Camp Office. We're planning a group picture (in our new shirts) after our kick off meeting Saturday, October 10, so if you'd like to join us, we'd love to have you!
Waller Farewell Fellowship
We will be hosting a farewell event for David Waller and his family Monday, October 19 to express our gratefulness for their many years of service with this ministry as well as their personal investment in our lives. This come and go event will be from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM at the Fredrickson’s home. Feel free to bring your favorite snack as well as a special memory or word of encouragement to share with them as they enter this new season of life. 
John and Romans Assistance
Chaplain Burch is looking for families or individuals who would be willing to help him collate John and Romans. Due to COVID, church involvement across the country is low but the need has never been greater for the truth of God's word to touch the lives of the lost. Please contact him if you are available any day time hours to help, or if you'd like to coordinate a special appointment to work with him to help complete more copies to distribute. These John and Romans booklets are slated to go to Thailand in a shipment this year.
Community Night
Everyone is invited to join us for Dinner on the Grounds and an exciting evening message by Dr. Lew Sterrett. Admission is FREE. Dinner is available for $8/adult and $6/child. Let us know if you would like a poster or share with your friends here.
Basic Training POGIE
Unit 63 Recruits will be allowed to receive POGIE starting October 19. ALERT's POGIE service is also up and running if you'd like to purchase POGIE for Cadre or recruits. 
Blood Drive
Carter BloodCare will be coming back to campus on Saturday, October 24 for a drive from 7 am to 12 noon. The local area is in short supply of blood in the blood banks, so anyone who can donate would be a big help to Carter and to the community. Watch your inboxes in the next couple weeks for information about a sign up sheet!
Staff/Ministry Yard Sale
The staff/ministry yard sale has been rescheduled for November 6–7. Please contact Peyton Weiss ( ASAP if you are interested in participating and include a list of any large or key items you are planning to sell (clothes, books, baby items, furniture, etc).
Leadership Corner | Maj. Boulden
These past few months have been hard on everyone and when we get beat down or feel stressed, it's easy to "armor up." 

I would like to offer a different solution during this time—vulnerability.

Vulnerable leaders: draw from their past mistakes and misses and use them as coaching moments for their teams; don’t hide their current failings or shortcomings; seek feedback constantly; when receiving unsolicited feedback from others, they don’t defend, deny, deflect, or refute any of it; carefully consider how they share difficult news with others and declare their intent so there is minimal confusion or bruised feelings. 

Cowardly leaders can’t possibly demonstrate vulnerability. Vulnerability helps make us real. Helps make us relatable. Helps make us touchable. Vulnerability builds trust. And as we know, teams move to the speed of trust. 
Basic Training Update | Maj. Boulden
The men of Unit 63 have successfully completed their first week of Basic Training! Thank you to everyone who helped us process all of the men last Monday. Your work is very much appreciated. This week the men will be continuing their land navigation training, jumping into rappelling and river crossing, along with their two first hikes—the Micro Hike on Tuesday and the 3 hour hike on Friday. Please be in prayer for the Unit as we get into the real "meat" of training.
Battalion Update | Capt. Vanderford
I want to take this opportunity to say thank you for the iPhone we received last week. This will be a big blessing to the guys. If anyone was still interested in donating their old iPhones, we are anticipating a large battalion in 2021 and could still use a couple more. Regarding the men, fire academy and our flight student are continuing training as usual. CST split forces for the second half of last week and some of the men assisted with a Father-Son Camp in PA. They are very busy this week helping the Operations and Facilities departments prepare for Family Camp.

Salad, Chicken Spaghetti, Green Beans, Rolls
Dinner: Fruit, Chicken and Waffles with Honey Butter, Hashbrowns, Yogurt Parfait, Juice/Chocolate Milk

Lunch: Salad, Beef and Broccoli, Rice, Egg Rolls
Dinner: Salad, Tuna Casserole, Normandy Vegetable Blend, Whole Wheat Muffins

Staff Lunch: Salad, Cabbage Roll Casserole, Rye Rolls, Pumpkin Cheesecake Snickerdoodles
Dinner: Salad, Honey Garlic Chicken, Roasted Carrots and Potatoes, Texas Roadhouse Rolls, Honey Butter

Lunch: Salad, Hot Turkey and Cheese Sandwiches, Spinach Dip and Crackers
Dinner: Salad, Chicken Quesadillas, 7 Layer Dip, Tortilla Chips

Lunch: Cucumber Salad, Beef Pitas, Greek Rice, Beef, Vegetables, Tzatziki Sauce
Dinner: Salad, Pizza, Sweet Tea

Brunch: Fruit Salad, Pancakes, Sausage Patties, Scrambled Eggs, Yogurt, Granola/Cereal, Milk/Juice/Coffee
International ALERT Academy, One Academy Blvd., Big Sandy, Texas 75755, United States
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