Subject: Campus News 10-4-21

Monday, October 4, 2021
"We are powerless against this great horde that is coming against us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.” 2 Chron. 20:12
Current Events    
  • Oct 6 Staff Lunch, Photo, and Meetings
  • Oct 7 Prayer and Fasting
  • Oct 9–15 Family Camp (check out our website!)
  • Oct 17–23 Family Week
  • Oct 30 Fall Party at the Overby Home
  • Nov 11 Veterans Banquet (invite your friends!) 
  • Nov 11–14 Cadet Father/Son Event
  • Nov 11–14 COMMIT Conference
  • Nov 17 SFG Holiday Luncheon
  • Nov 19 Unit 65 Advancement 
Family Camp Documents
Thank you for your teamwork and diligence as we prepare for this busy week. Things are changing regularly, so you can stay in the loop with the latest details below.  

Family Camp Meetings
  • Team Picture: Wed, Oct. 6 right after lunch (in new Family Camp shirts)
  • Activity Coordinators: Wed, Oct. 6 at 1:30 PM in the Dining Room
  • Sports Complex Hosts: Wed, Oct. 6 at 2:00 PM in the Dining Room
  • ALL Operations/Battalion: Sat, Oct. 9 at 9:00 AM in the Sports Complex.
  • Tues Craft Meeting: Tues, Oct. 12 at 10:30 AM in the Chapel (all staff involved with crafts on Tuesday behind the Chapel)
  • Bike Parade Meeting: Wed, Oct. 13 at 9 AM at the Sports Complex
  • Family Camp Staff Party: Sunday, Oct. 17 at 7:00 PM in the Dining Room. Join us for ice cream and games!
Team Photo and Camp Shirts
All of our staff is invited to join our Family Camp Staff photo with our new shirts on Wednesday, Oct. 6, right after lunch. You can purchase your shirts ($10) Tuesday 1–2 PM or Wednesday at 11:30 AM. 
Bicycle Horse Craft | Staff Night
Get your horse decked out early this Tuesday at 6 PM in the Northeast room of the Sport's Complex! (Please use the exterior entrance on the northeast corner.) We will fit the main sections to your bike, and you will add the finishing touches. This will help us test run the assembly process and leave more time for the guest bikes next week. Cost is $5 per bike. Please take just a moment to click this link and let us know what size bikes you are bringing so we can have the supplies ready! 
Family Camp Parade Float
We'd love to invite all our staff and departments to join our Family Camp Bike Parade with a fun department-themed entry or parade float. Entries must be registered at the Camp Office by Mon, Oct. 11. We're looking forward to seeing your creativity!  
Old Quilts and Big Throw Pillows
If you have old quilts/large throw pillows that you wouldn't mind getting dirty (and people eating on) during Tuesday's Harvest Festival, we'd love to collect these items for spreading on the Chapel lawn. Please reply to this email if you have a quilt you'd be willing for us to borrow.  
RSVP Family Camp Meals
Meals during Family Camp (Sat, Oct. 9–Sat, Oct. 16) will be available to our staff at the reduced rate of $2/adult and $1.50/child. The menu can be found here. Please RSVP today. 
October Prayer and Fasting Day | Dr. Levendusky
Thursday, October 7 will be our day of prayer and fasting for the families and staff as we enter into a full month and remaining weeks of 2021. 

With ALERT Basic Training underway, deployments and other training continuing for the battalion, campus preparations and ministry opportunities related to Family Camp next week, we all have much to be thankful for and to pray about this week. Please come to the noon prayer time on Thursday and join us as we worship and praise God for Who He is and all of His provision and protection, intercede for various people in need, and demonstrate by faith that we depend on Him for any ministry that will take place through us in the days ahead.
Basic Training Update
One week down and 7 to go! Thank you to everyone who came out to support us this last Monday evening. It was very much appreciated. The men have adjusted well to life in Basic Training and moving into this week they will advance in both their ropework skills and land navigation skills. Be in specific prayer for the men as we will be on our 3-Hour hike this Friday. Just a friendly reminder to acknowledge our road barriers that are up. This is both for your safety and the safety of our men in training. Thank you again for all your prayers and support during this adventure.
Battalion Update
The EMT and Flight units returned from deployment late Friday night. The trip was somewhat chaotic because of a lack of organization at the church they were working with. However, it was a good time for the men to interact with each other and their leadership as well as the homeowners. Praise God that He provided food, a place to stay, a church to work with, and equipment for the team! Please pray that the seeds that the men were able to plant will bear fruit in people’s lives. CST and Colonel Behr will be working in Detroit this week. Please pray for safety as they work and opportunities for them to share.
Leadership Corner 
"Casting a vision for what you actually want can seem like a far-off luxury. But it comes at a cost. From wasted resources to burnout to high turnover, there are a variety of pitfalls vision-deficient leaders can stumble into. By casting an inspiring, practical picture of what you want for your organization, you can reap these three defining benefits.

- A sense of purpose. Having a well-thought-out vision allows your company to zero in on the goals, projects, and tasks that have the highest impact on the metrics you want to prioritize.
- A positive risk. Inciting risk might not feel like a benefit, but the best future doesn’t actually lie within your comfort zone.
- A clearer future. A vision is not an action plan and you won’t be figuring out the 'how'—at least not yet. But it does free you to dream and imagine what could be possible, as well as what the end result will be.

Mapping out a clear, compelling vision is essential for every business leader. If you want your team to achieve new heights of success, you need to make time to do this." - Micheal Hyatt


LunchSalad, Ground Beef Philly Cheesesteak Sandwiches, Roasted Potatoes
DinnerBreakfast for Dinner! Fruit, Breakfast Burritos, Strawberry Oat Bars, Chocolate Milk

LunchSalad, Chicken Calzones, Apple and Grape Yogurt Salad
DinnerSalad, Cheesy Taco Pasta, Rolls

Staff LunchSalad, Sesame Chicken, Rice, Vegetable Stir Fry, Pumpkin Cheesecake Snickerdoodles [Dish Crew Team 3; teams linked here]
6:00 PM Dinner: Campus Fellowship Dinner

LunchSalad, Chicken Quesadillas, Mexican Rice and Beans
DinnerSalad, Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Peas, Cheese and Onion Rolls

LunchSalad, White Chicken Chili, Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
DinnerSalad, Pizza, Sweet Tea

International ALERT Academy, One Academy Blvd., Big Sandy, Texas 75755, United States
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