Subject: Campus News 10-25-21

Monday, October 25, 2021
"But the LORD is faithful. He will establish you and guard you against the evil one." 2 Thes. 3:3
Current Events    
  • Oct 30 Fall Party at the Overby Home
  • Nov 11 Veterans Banquet (invite your friends!) 
  • Nov 11–14 Cadet Father/Son Event
  • Nov 16 EMT Scenario Day
  • Nov 17 SFG Holiday Luncheon
  • Nov 19 Unit 65 Advancement 
Overby Fall Party
Staff and battalion are invited to our Staff Fall Party at the Overby home (7267 White Oak Rd), Saturday, October 30 at 6:00 pm for a fun time of fellowship, toasty bonfire, and hay rides. Staff Families, please bring your favorite chili and dessert to share. The Kitchen will be providing chili toppings, drinks, and s'mores. Please bring lawn chairs and don't forget to dress comfy and warm!
Angelo and Sophia's Wedding
You are cordially invited by Dr. & Mrs. Dwight Fredrickson and Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Oliverio to witness the union of their children, Sophia and Angelo, in the holy covenant of marriage. The invitation can be viewed here. Please RSVP if you're able to attend. We'd be thrilled to have you join us!
EMT Scenario Day
The EMT's Scenario Day is scheduled for Tuesday, November 16. If you're interested in participating, please contact Lt. Kaiser or Joel Barton at by Tuesday, November 9. 
Family Camp Photos
Photos from Family Camp are available for free download to staff and volunteers here. Please keep this link within staff/volunteers. If camp guests are interested in the photos, they can contact Operations for purchase. 
ALERT Update
As of last Wednesday, the ALERT Department has added Lydia Vanderford to our Administration team as a part-time Administrative Assistant. She will be working alongside Brooke and Capt. Vanderford to cover some of the financial and pricing elements of the job as well as helping with class instructor communications and paperwork.
Basic Training Update
Basic Training is halfway over! This coming week is what we call Nav-Med Week, or Navigation and Medical Week. This is the week where all of the men's previous weeks of training are put to the test. The men will be sent out each day as squads to complete various scenarios. These daily events will include land navigation and basic first aid scenarios as well as skills ranging from lashing, ropes and pulleys, river crossing, and knot tying. Keep the Unit in your prayers for safety and the ability for the men to meet the standards that we are putting before them.
Leadership Corner 
As we make the push towards the end of the year, it can be easy to get sidetracked with the busyness of it all—to get focused on the urgent and become distracted from the important; to work on the processes and forget about the people. One day, every single one of us will move on from ALERT. Stop and think about when that time comes—what will you leave behind?

Lunch: Salad, BLT Sandwiches, Potato Chips and Dip
Dinner: Salad, Meatloaf, Au Gratin Potatoes with Turkey Ham, Peas

Lunch: Salad, Chicken Alfredo Pasta, Green Beans, Breadsticks
Dinner: Breakfast for Dinner! Fruit, Breakfast Sandwiches, Blueberry, Scones, Yogurt

Staff Lunch: Salad, Sweet Home Alabama Sandwiches, Pinto Beans, Limeade [Dish Crew Team 1; teams linked here]
Dinner: Salad, Korean Beef and Rice, Broccoli, Rolls

Lunch: Salad, Chicken Pot Pie, Creamy Spinach, Applesauce
Dinner: Salad, Cheeseburger Pasta, Rolls

Lunch: Salad, Beef Tacos, Jalapeño Popper Dip, Chips
Dinner: Salad, Pizza, Sweet Tea

Brunch: Fruit Salad, Chicken and Waffles, Roasted Potatoes
International ALERT Academy, One Academy Blvd., Big Sandy, Texas 75755, United States
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