Subject: Campus News 10-18-22

Tuesday, October 18, 2022
"He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son." Col. 1:13
Upcoming Events      
  • Oct 19 Birthday Lunch
  • Oct 23 Singspiration (Chapel) 
  • Oct 26 Staff Dorm Cleaning
  • Oct 28–29 Multi-Family Sale
  • Nov 2 Birthday Lunch
  • Nov 4–5 Winchell Church Camping Trip 
  • Nov 10 SFG Luncheon 
  • Nov 10–12 Cadet Father/Son Camping Trip
  • Nov 11 Unit 67 Advancement
  • Nov 13 Winkler Wedding Reception (Chapel) 
  • Nov 14–15 ALERT Rope Rescue Competition 
  • Nov 15 Veterans Banquet 
  • Nov 16 Awards and Promotions 
  • Nov 18 Unit 66 Graduation
Family Camp Debrief
Thank you for all your hard work during Family Camp! What an incredible week. We are taking notes on how we can improve and would love to know how Family Camp went from your perspective. Please send us your notes this week so we can add them to our debrief. Thanks so much!
Family Camp Photos
If you would like us to email you a complimentary link to our Family Camp photo album, please let us know by replying to this email! 
There will be a Singspiration Sunday, October 23 at 6:30 PM in the Chapel. It would be great to have a few groups do special numbers. Please contact Phillip Vanderford by Friday, October 21 if you have special music you'd like to share.
Multi Family Sale
The next Multi Family Sale is scheduled for October 28–29. Please contact the Weisses for more details. 
Basic Training Update | Maj. Boulden
Unit 67 ventures into its sixth week of training and will participate in its hardest event so far—the 24-Hour Endurance Hike. Lord willing, the Unit will head out Tuesday afternoon for Oklahoma, start the hike early Wednesday and be back by Thursday afternoon. Please pray for the men and their leadership that we would have great weather, stay healthy and safe, and all finish well.
Battalion Update | Capt. Vanderford
The Battalion enjoyed supporting Family Camp this past week in many different capacities. This week will be a normal class week for them. Please pray for a few things to fall into place for the Tech Rescue training schedule, for some missing details to come together for the Mexico missions trip, and for each man to grow closer to Jesus through the last five weeks of the quarter. 
Staff Fellowship Meal Details [complimentary meals of the year and monthly fellowship meal details]

LunchCole Slaw, Sweet Home Alabama Sandwiches, Chips
DinnerBreakfast for Dinner! Eggs, Pancakes, Bacon

Staff LunchBroccoli Salad, Pierogi Casserole, Sour Cream, Kielbasa, Fruit Salad, Cake [Staff on Dishes]
DinnerSalad, Broccoli Cheese Soup, Hot Ham and Cheese Sandwiches

LunchSalad, Chicken Pasta Salad, Rolls
DinnerSalsa Chicken, Black Beans and Rice, Tomato Avocado Corn Salad

Lunch: Salad, BLT Wraps, Chips and Dip
DinnerSalad, Pizza, Sweet Tea

BrunchFruit Salad, Egg Casserole, Sausage Patties, Scones, Cereal, Yogurt
International ALERT Academy, One Academy Blvd., Big Sandy, Texas 75755, United States
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