Subject: Campus News 1-30-23

Monday, January 30, 2023
"Put on love... let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts... and be thankful."
Col. 3:14–15
Upcoming Events      
  • Jan 31 Prayer and Fasting 
  • Feb 8 Birthday Lunch
  • Feb 16 Staff Valentines Banquet (Save the Date) 
  • Feb 19–25 Kitchen Closed
  • Feb 22 SFG Town Hall (Dining Room) 
  • Mar 7–8 DPS AAIR
  • Mar 9 Awards/Promos/Birthday Lunch
  • Mar 9–12 Cadet Father/Son Service Project & Camping
  • Mar 17–19 Shable Pony Riding Group
  • Mar 23 Unit 68 Fly-in/Welcome
  • Mar 68 Unit 68 R-Day
  • Mar 30–Apr 4 SOWER Reunion 
Prayer and Fasting 
Tuesday, January 31, will be our monthly day of prayer and fasting. We can be grateful for a good reunion for ALERT this past weekend, and the conclusion earlier this month of two God-honoring Family Conferences in New Zealand and Australia.

Seminars are being held in both men and women’s prisons in Florida for the next several weeks, and the new websites for both ALERT and IBLP are heading towards completion in the next several months.

Jinger Duggar Vuolo’s new book is to be released this week, and we can pray for her family, as well as her parents and siblings as this draws much new media attention.

Staff Valentines Banquet
Please mark your calendars for the upcoming Valentines Banquet, Thursday, February 16 at 6:00 PM. Childcare will be available in the Dining Room. Details coming soon! 
Battalion Update 
This week will be a relatively normal week for 3rd Phase and a very out-of-the-ordinary week for 2nd Phase. It’s Perspective Week—a time when we take away many ordinary comforts and add increased challenges to help give the guys—you guessed it, perspective. It’s a time for them to think about the challenges faced by our brothers and sisters around the world who don’t enjoy the same religious freedom we do. It’s a time for them to think seriously about what they believe and what they are living their lives for. Please pray for wisdom and intentionality for the leadership team. Pray also for God to do meaningful work in the students’ lives as they walk together through the challenges of this event. In addition to Perspective Week activities, 2nd Phase will be finishing Firefighting class and beginning Gospel and Witnessing.

Captain Vanderford will leave Wednesday morning for an out-of-state wedding, so please contact Sergeant Major or someone else in the office if you need something quickly. 2nd Phase will leave this coming Saturday for their dive and deployment trip and will be gone for three weeks. Please pray for safety and that God will accomplish good things in the men’s lives even though this trip will be busy and less structured.

Staff Fellowship Meal Details [complimentary meals of the year and monthly fellowship meal details]

Lunch: Salad, Chicken Spaghetti, Green Beans, Breadsticks
DinnerSalad, Chili, Cornbread

LunchFruit, Pancakes, Breakfast Casserole, Cereal
DinnerSalad, Chicken Cacciatore, Rice, Rolls

LunchSalad, Tacos, Corn Chowder, Pumpkin Pie
DinnerSalad, Kielbasa Skillet, Molasses Rolls

LunchSalad, Grilled Cheese Sandwiches, Tomato Basil Soup
DinnerSalad, Salsa Chicken, Seasoned Beans and Rice, Homemade Tortillas

Lunch: Salad, Sesame Chicken, Rice, Egg Rolls
DinnerSalad, Pizza, Sweet Tea

BrunchFruit Salad, Fried Eggs, Peach Turnovers, “Pigs in a Blanket”

LunchSalad, Chicken Cobbler, Peaches
DinnerSalad, Reuben Sandwiches, Fries
International ALERT Academy, One Academy Blvd., Big Sandy, Texas 75755, United States
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