Subject: Praise God for a summer of fun, friends, and faith!

Dear Camp Omega Family,

God worked great things through Camp Omega this summer. The entire Camp Family rejoices in all He accomplished through outdoor ministry and the wonderful folks He equipped to serve! Here are some amazing events that happened at Camp Omega in the last three months.

The Return of Youth Programming

As a result of the pandemic, Camp Omega was unable to run summer youth camps in 2020. But donors of Camp Omega stepped up and gave with love and generosity. Because of this Camp was able to come into the summer prepared to do God’s work! Over 1,500 participants, young and old, were able to experience Christ at camp through onsite and off-site programs. The camp team is so thankful for the excitement of all the families who trusted us with their children this summer and all the families that supported camp through these trying times.

Construction on the Adult and Family Retreat Center Continues

Movers and excavators were hard at work this summer, digging, pouring, and building the New Adult and Family Retreat Center.

The footings and foundation are nearly complete. The existing dining hall is being prepared to be attached to the new facility. By the end of September, the floor will be poured and the walls and roof will begin to go up. Contact us and we'd be happy to show you around the construction site. This is an exciting time in Camp Omega's history. To God be the Glory.

The Continuing Service to Families and Retreat Groups

2020, with all its challenges, also had many new opportunities. One significant one was growth in family ministry. During the 2021 summer, the family program continued to expand. The Christian household is a powerful place for Christ's love to flourish and the staff of Camp Omega desire to assist families to grow in relationship with each other and with Christ. Look for many more family get-a-way opportunities as we continue to fight the good fight and grow in faith together.

Looking ahead at the fall, the camp's calendar is filling up with rental groups and programmed retreats! It is so good to be in full service once again.

Junior High Recharge October 15th and 16th

If your junior high youth group or confirmation class is looking for some fun and group building this October, the Junior High Recharge event is coming up soon on October 15th and 16th!

Thank you for your prayers and support of outdoor ministries!

God's Blessings,

The Camp Omega Team  


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