Subject: How blessed we are to have a loving Camp Family!

Dear Friend of Camp,

Camp Omega is a place of fun, friendship, and a chance for individuals, groups, and families to grow in their faith and love of the Lord.

Camp is a special place where faith formation occurs and families and campers experience irreplaceable moments. Due to COVID-19 and the necessity to cancel youth summer camp and 6 months of retreat events, Camp Omega’s has lost over $407,000.

Yet, God is faithful! The Camp Family has responded and individual donations are $110,000 higher than last year at this same time… and we are so grateful! TO GOD BE THE GLORY! Friends of camp have been pouring out very generous, Thank you!


But there is still more to do. While Camp Omega has been blessed with the chance to serve more families and retreat groups than expected through September and October, there is still plenty of space for retreat event reservations.

We know that God works all things for his good and gives all they need at the proper time. We believe that God has got this. The revenue generated from retreats and summer camp as of October 31st is down $407,000. While expenses are also lower by over $200,000, this leaves Camp Omega with a $99,000 budget shortfall even after accounting for the generous gifts received thus far.

We know He is and has provided for all His people. You can help Camp Omega in its mission to share the gospel and foster faith, fun, and friendship, and here’s how:

  • Bring your family or a group out to Camp for the day or overnight!

  • Share about what Camp means to you and encourage college-age students to apply for summer 2021 staff!

  • Consider giving a donation of any amount. Our online platform is mobile friendly and does not require a password: or Send your gift by mail to Camp Omega 22750 Lind Ave, Waterville, MN 56096

  •  Pray for outdoor ministry across the country.

God has blessed Camp Omega immensely throughout this tough time.

Thank you to all who have supported and continue to support Camp and its mission.

God's Blessings,

The Camp Omega Team  


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