Subject: Free Creation Presentation Event!


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Brian Young from Creation Instruction Association is at Camp Omega and it's FREE for you to attend!


Brian Young, an internationally known speaker and author and founder of Creation Instruction Association (CIA), will be presenting at Camp Omega this Saturday, August 8th at 6:30 pm on the subject of Creation Science. This event is free to the public and will be held at Camp Omega while observing physical distancing and following MN State guidelines for COVID-19.

CIA teaches and confesses the inspiration, inerrancy, and authority of the Word of God, not just for theology but for our scientific understandings and morals as well. Science does not interpret Scripture, rather Scripture interprets Scripture. Though we believe the doctrine of creation is important, it is secondary to the Gospel, however, we see the doctrine of creation as a foundation for the Gospel of Christ. To RSVP for the event please email RSVP is encouraged, though not necessary.

Learn more about Brian Young and CIA at

Free event for all ages.

Learn more about Brian Young and CIA


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