Subject: Fall FUN at Camp Omega!

Dear Friends of Camp Omega,

Camp Omega is building, growing, and serving through the fall of 2021, and all thanks to the love and support of volunteers and donors.

What's happening at Camp?

  • The Concrete floor of the Family and Adult Retreat center has been poured!

  • Petzke’s landing has been cleaned up from the 2018 tornado

  • Applications are open for Summer 2022!

Family and Adult Retreat Center

Work is well underway for the Adult and Family Retreat Center! This last week the concrete floor was poured. The entire camp family is looking forward to what the completed project will look like!

The next steps on the building:

  • Walls are going up the week after Thanksgiving.

  • The building will be enclosed by winter so work can continue on the inside.

  • Completion of the 1st phase of the project is projected for March/April.

Petzke’s Landing

Camp Omega has slowly been recovering from the damage after the September 2018 tornado. One area that was particularly difficult to clear is Petzke’s Landing due to its location across the lake and with limited land access. Thankfully, Victor and his team of tree cutters did a fantastic job clearing the fallen trees! The area is now one step closer to being used in the summer! The Summer 2022 campers will soon be able to utilize it for Survivor Camp and as a campout location.

Summer 2022 Staff Applications are now open!

Camp hires individuals at least 18 years old who have completed their first year in college for summer program staff. They have a great love for Christ, and excitement for sharing His word. Summer camp counselors guide campers through their camp experience and guide the traveling day camp programs around southern Minnesota. Camp Guides make sure that anyone who interacts with camp can hear the Good News of Jesus Christ and grow deeper in their faith!

God's Blessings,

The Camp Omega Team  

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