Subject: A Heartfelt Thank You...

Because of you, Camp Omega is set to have a successful 2023 season!


Thank You for a Great Year

A Heartfelt Thank you.

As the end of the year approaches, we all tend to look back and ask what was accomplished and where to go from here. As I reflect on Camp Omega’s past year, it gives me excitement for the future because of the continued opportunities that exist and because of the generous support from people like you to help make them happen.


Because of you, Camp Omega

  • Not only survived the pandemic but is stronger on this side.

  • Is more equipped to serve adults and families with the opening of Omega Lodge.

  • Shares Christ with over 6,000 people a year.

  • Has never turned away any participant due to financial needs.

  • Prepares young adults for Kingdom work as they serve God’s people through the twelve-week summer camp program.

  • Has a future that is stronger than ever and will remain a vital force in the Kingdom of God.

So, Thank You!

Thank you for your past and present involvement in the work that we strive to do here. I can’t wait to see what the Good Lord has in store for Camp Omega in 2023, and I pray you’ll continue to invest in this unique and powerful ministry. To GOD be the Glory!

– Bob LaCroix, Executive Director

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