Subject: Learn How to Set Limits that Stick and Upcoming ROR Events

It's time for more FREE resources for our parent community... 
Greetings Friend, thanks for signing up for my newsletter. I have been busy with some parenting events like workshops on curbing entitlement with gratitude practices and trainings on how to set limits that stick... and realized I haven't been letting you all know what is going on. 

I want to begin by asking what you would like to see. What are your parenting struggles, issues or needs? I would love to hear from you! (Email me, okay?) 

I will also be sending more strategies and helpful parenting tips in a weekly digest.  September's theme is... Reestablishing Routines for a Smooth Start to the School Year and we have several free events and resources for you!  Whether you are learning locally or online, we have a way for you to join us.  But first, a hot tip!

TIP ALERT: How to set a limit that sticks, step one...

You need to GET REALLY CLEAR AND SPECIFIC about what you want when you are making a request of a child.  "Don't run" is much less effective than "Use your walking feet."  Why?  Because the children hear "RUN" and what do they picture doing?  Running!  

When we say "WALKING FEET,"  they picture slowing down and walking with their feet.  When we are clear and specific about what we DO WANT, it sets them up for more success.

Recently, I had a client tell me that she used to say, "Go get ready," to her 3-year-old, and he would ignore her.  But when she shifted to clear and specific requests, he listened better.  "It's time to go inside, find your shoes, bring them to the door, sit down and put them on."  

Repeating yourself over and over is very frustrating! The key here is... Be careful not to assume that what we want is OBVIOUS to our children. Try it today- be more clear and concrete with your words, and try not to assume that they already know what you want.  

To learn more, view the free training videos and get your free parent guide about setting limits below. My gift to you!  Click here to get your free training now

If you have any questions on any events or suggestions for the newsletter please do email me.  I'd love to hear from you.

Love, Vanessa
Join Us in Our Group 
Our next event is a masterclass on September 11th about reestablishing smooth routines.   This is where almost all of our online learning happens, in the Raising Our Resilience Parent Group on Facebook!  With weekly tips and events, it's fun and inspiring to learn together.  So this is an EASY way to have access to all kinds of trainings, resources, and community.

Our dedication: "We are a community of parents raising our resilience as we build lifelong relationships with our children based on appreciation, respect, and love. We empower ourselves, our children, and our community with healthy strategies so that in our busy lives, we can stay kind, confident, and connected and enjoy the limited time we have with our children."
Upcoming Events
9/8 Solano Stroll
Come say “Hi" at the Solano Stroll, one of the best family-focused street fairs I’ve ever seen! I’ll be hanging out with my Spark Decks friends right across from that great toy store, “Five Little Monkeys” with a big “PARENTING RESOURCES” banner on our booth.  Learn More about the stroll

9/11 Back-to-School Parent Lunch-and-Learn Facebook Masterclass
Join us for our 3-part series every Wednesday at noon starting on September 11th.
 Let's set up the whole family for success with solid routines that practically run themselves and play for fun prizes valued at $25, $250, $500, and even $997 (!) More Info on Masterclasses
9/21 Free Parent Workshop, Re-Establish Smooth Routines
Join us for this live workshop and take away specific strategies and tools you can use at home to smooth out your mornings and evenings with less power struggles and more time for...power snuggles! Sign up for free 9/21 event

Parent Retreat Registration is Now Open
Early-bird discounts end 9/22 + full scholarships still available

Come relax in this beautiful natural setting of a farm-to-table family ranch retreat center as we wine, dine, and learn together November 8-10. It's a very special and inviting place to find your calm and recharge.

Once we settle in, you'll get support with designing your ROADMAP OUT OF OVERWHELM to shift from conflicts and struggles to daily ease and enjoyment! Check out the reg page for more details: Learn more about the retreat here

Also, there are still limited scholarships available (that's a $997 value!) Apply for yourself or share with a friend... Click here to apply for a full scholarship
Free Guides and Trainings 
Setting Limits that Stick: Learn how to shift from A FREE online training series for parents seeking solutions for setting effective limits with their young children (ages 2-10)

Get yourself READY to bring a CONFIDENT message to your kids about your expectations, to find your CALM in the middle of meltdowns and power struggles, and to CREATE more mutual respect in your relationship!

DAY 1: Learn how to establish clear routines and expectations
DAY 2: Learn 3 keys to getting your kids on board with the rules
DAY 3: Build your own Limit Setting Roadmap + how to avoid the #1 mistake parents make when establishing new expectations

Are you ready? This training will give you key strategies to...

-WIN your child's cooperation
-GET OUT of power struggles
-CREATE more harmony in your home

To get access to all three videos and your free copy of the 12-page PARENT WORKBOOK, click the link, enter your email, and it will automatically be sent to your inbox: Sign up for Free Training and Workbook

Vanessa Callaghan, MAEd. is a proven Bay Area parenting coach with 15+ years of experience in education.  She's known for her refreshingly honest, hands-on, and personal approach.  She empowers parents with high-quality tools so they can build a lifelong relationship based on respect, appreciation, and love.

, PO Box 1251, 94530, El Cerrito, United States
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