Subject: Register for live DAPM Apply coaching webinar

92% hiring managers say soft skills matter as much as hard-skills

Hi Friend,

Have you ever experienced when its time for a career transition, whether it’s a new job, new role, promotion or getting assigned to innovative projects, we tend to focus on our hard skills and not so much on soft skills?


It is a natural professional instinct because you can demonstrate the hard-skills through the projects delivered, tools used, and certifications attained.


I second this LinkedIn finding that says a staggering 92% of hiring decisions are based on assessing the soft skills fitment.

  My question for you is do you know what are these soft skills?

How do you acquire them as a digital professional, and

How do you showcase them during an interview?


In your upcoming 'DAPM-LIVE Apply' coaching and mentoring session,

I am going to take a deep-dive into

"Top 20 skills and qualities of a thriving product manager"


Click here to register:

Live Webinar - Register Now

See you on the webinar this Saturday (27-June-20).

Your Product coach and Lead trainer


P.S: If your goal in 2020 is to transition into the role of a full-fledged product manager/product owner, rather than just shadowing one, then these skills will definitely show you the path to do so.

Be sure to register for the session:

Maximise your career potential  | Prepare for digital transformation

Digital Skills Mastery | +44 (0) 7837 282370 |

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