Subject: Important-Register for your DAPM™ Apply Sessions

Hi Friend,

We are really excited for you, as you get ready for your Live Apply 'coaching & mentoring' sessions.

"Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do...”  

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (German poet, playwright, novelist, scientist, statesman, theatre director, critic, and amateur artist, considered the greatest German literary figure of the modern era)

As you go through the DAPM™ programme, we want to encourage you to apply your learnings in real-life projects.

Because when you apply a model or strategy, you will get results, some will take your forward, while on some topics you may still face issues before you get to the desired results.

This is the forum where we can share our insights and help resolve your specific issues.


Apply sessions: next steps for you

Item #1

Please find below the Apply topic selection link. Take out 3 minutes to fill this form. Suggest what topics you want to be covered in the upcoming Apply sessions.

We will cover these during the many upcoming sessions as part of your programme.

Apply Topic Selection

Item #2

Register for your Apply sessions. This is a recurring invite, so you only need to register once!

Register for Apply session

Item #3

Your specific Questions or Case studies.

If you have any question that you want to us to address quickly in any of the Apply sessions, get in touch with us on OR reply to this email

See you soon on the DAPM™ Live Apply Sessions.

Your Product coach and Lead trainers,

Himani & Onkar

Maximise your career potential  | Prepare for digital transformation

Digital Skills Mastery | +44 (0) 7837 282370 |

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