Subject: Friend, Register for today's APPLY coaching webinar

Hi Friend,

We are doing your 2nd APPLY coaching webinar today at 8pm UK time. Make sure you attend the session to ask your implmentation questions, share your solved exercises and listen to other solved case studies.

Register for APPLY webinar

We are going to cover the following in today's session:

Topic#1: Case Study (Merge two digital products)

Topic#2: Soft Skill (How to negotiate with team members)

Topic#3: Live Exercise (Solution thinking)

Topic#4: Review (Submitted exercise)

Topic#5: Q&A

How NOT to negotiate in product management
Product solution thinking
Filled Wheel of Product sample
Register for APPLY webinar
Maximise your career potential  | Prepare for digital transformation

Digital Skills Mastery | +44 (0) 7837 282370 |

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