Subject: high ticket promotion traffic?

Hey Bhadra here

A lot of the time, people think having the best offer is the easiest way to get high ticket sales...(Hight ticket as in making $2000 commissions per sale)...

But even if you have the best high ticket offer or webinar etc you can hardly throw crap traffic at it and hope it works (especially if you have zero budget??

I for one love high ticket offers!
We had a w+ launch around 1 year ago where we focused on high ticket...

Whilst everyone else is happy with 1-10$EPC's and sending hype emails to their list... we didn’t want to do that.

We wanted to make much High EPC's so we focused on how made high EPC's.
I mean who wants to earn 3$ per clicks when you can make 60?

Applying this me and my partner did almost 100k in sales between us.

The one thing we notice from this launch is that it wasn’t 1 element that made this, but 2.
1) Having the right offer with high ticket element that converts
2) having the right traffic source that convert into those high ticket sales!

Most people I know have access to a high ticket course
But what about the traffic source?

Believe it or not YouTube!

And I know what you are thinking...
Will I have to appear on camera?
Will I have to do voice over...
Will I have no pay for ads?
Well what if the answer was not to all of these.

You could get a boatload of traffic perfectly suited to high ticket! (and its free traffic!)

Well, luckily we have one of the worlds foremost experts on YouTube joining us Thursday at 7PM UK time (2pm EST) to show you exactly how it is done by following a 6 step process!

Register Right away for this excellent live Here

To Your Success
Bhadra Patel

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