Subject: Live in an Hour--You can’t blame the postman

Hey Bhadra here,

I'm not sure if you're familiar with the saying "the squeaky wheel gets the grease."

It's a phrase that means people who make the most noise get what they want.

And it's true! The more you complain or ask for something, the more likely you are to get it.

But what if I told you there was a way to get 100% of your mail delivered AND opened?

No more missed opportunities! Now, this method is not a secret in fact its pretty much forgotten about...

what If I told you we have also seen 35% sales conversion rates on this method (results not typical :-) )

If you could get every person you send mail to open it

I have a special guest coming in to show you how to achieve these results LIVE HERE

He is coming in March 5, 10 am est/ 3PM UK time

Don't miss this Training. It can change your whole business

To Your Success

Bhadra Patel

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