Subject: How to create the perfect webinar?

learn how to run webinars.

Hey! Bhadra here...

If you're wondering how I earn an income doing nothing but sending emails, then this is for you.

I'm so happy to share with you the single best thing I have done is learn how to run webinars.


Because when I send an email I often make 13 dollars and 27 dollar here and there.

When I Promote a webinar i can make 20,30 and even as high as 70,000 dollars for 2 hours work it's pretty crazy!

The problem with webinars is they take along while to learn, you have to jump on camera, you have to have an audience (and that's why most people never do them).

Unless of course (you don’t want to run a webinar to one person

You have to know how to sell

You have to have an awesome product, training or course

You have to hold users' attention for 2 hours!

You have to build relationships with other webinar users (which takes years!)

But when you get them working well they can be absolutely awesome, and nothing in the world can beat doing them regularly!

How would you like to run your very own webinars?


We are putting on a training this week where you can put on as many webinars as you like with out even jumping on camera!

Not just any webinars, but the top webinars on the planet, over and over again as often as you like!

Join us Thursday 20th January on the live training to learn how HERE

To Your Success

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