Subject: The simple math needed to quit you’re J-O-B…

Hey Friend,

Did you know that simple math could earn you millions in this business?

And it can most definitely help you replace your job income

or a nice 6-figure salary.

For example: it’s easy to find out how many leads it takes to acquire a customer.

Say you’re running an F.B. ad, and it takes 100 leads and $200 to get 2 new customers.

At $49 for your intro offer.

A 2% to 3% conversion rate is fairly common for cold traffic.

At this point, it doesn’t sound too great, does it?

Not unless you have, back end offers in place like this. ⬅

However, this is where most miss out, big time.

Because they invest their precious time, marketing lower ticket offers.

While I effortlessly, spend a little bit of my time marketing

High-ticket products.

This is how you can tilt the scale over to make huge commissions online.

➔ Go check this method out to see how it works easily

Best Regards,


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