Subject: The difference between an AMATEUR and PRO (And broke or rich)

Hi there Friend,

A healthy dose of truth serum here.

Many people want to do this business, yet they never actually D.O. it

=> Go check this out if you’re different.

The same thing happens often in writer’s circles.

People often “say” they are a writer, yet they never write.

They never publish.

And so they struggle.

Stephen King says it well:

“Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration.

The rest of us just get up and go to work.”

The same line of thought applies to this business pretty well too, doesn’t it?

The best writers and business people have rituals.

They sit down, for example from 9 AM till noon, and they WORK.

Or they work from 9 PM till midnight.

Results and “MONEY” doesn’t care if we’re inspired or not.

Just like a treadmill doesn’t care if we’re inspired to hop on it

and walk to lose weight.

If we just “walk” inspired or not, we get RESULTS!

The money and results and amazing life come if we’ll

only sit down and do the work, day by day…

Hope this helps!

=> Here’s a proven plan to stick to

It simply works, IF you’ll work it.

In your corner.

Best Regards,


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