Subject: Marketers are from mars and prospects are from Pluto

Hi Friend,

Does this internal dialogue sound familiar to you?

“Why aren’t they buying anything?

Stupid prospects.

I’ve told them about the benefits.

I’ve told them about the features.

I’ve told them about the deadline.

They must be tight, broke or stupid.”

You’re not making any sales because you are talking Martian’s

and they’re from Pluto.

It’s simple.

If you market like a marketer, using the same old swipes, the same old

scarcity ploys and the same old tired subject lines, you turn prospects

off quicker than a mental image of trumping drag.

You need to be smart about this.

You need a different approach.

You need to speak Plutonian.

I know a guy who does.

➔ And he can teach you right here;


It’s super-lucrative too when you learn to do affiliate marketing

the right way like this.

You can make $500 -$1000 plus in the next 30 days with this without

spending one red cent on traffic.

So hop in your click-rocket and blast off over with the link below;

➔ Use this link to make super blast commissions

Best Regards,


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