Subject: It’s a Day for Cheese and Wine!

On National Cheese Lover’s Day, don’t feel bleu, throw a feta or act capricious. January 20th is a gouda day to kummin over and have some cheddar or asiago or fontina! Just enjoy some cheese with a glass and don’t wine about it!

This delicious recipe is perfect for a quick weeknight dinner

or romantic date night-in!

So, “Ditch Your Resolution Day” is past and you are

still holding strong to your Healthy January.

Tequila - A healthier alcohol choice with only 64 calories per shot!

Join Stephanie from Veraison as she pours some hearty choices to help keep you warm on the upcoming cold winter nights.  No registration needed.

Our friends from Empire Wines of Colorado will be joining us to pour a sampling of some great wines.


We are open 9 am - 8 pm, Monday

through Saturday

Sunday, 10 am - 8 pm



675 Genoa Way

Castle Rock, CO 80109

Telephone: (303) 468-8100

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