Subject: Bubbles Team Wine Picks

No time to shop? Just choose one of our staff picks! We love sharing our own favorite wines.

In a time “Between the Dawn of Faerie and the Dominion of Men”, Frodo and his intrepid band of dwarves are on a journey far from his comfy Shire in a search for the dragon, Smaug’s, gold. In the course of their journeys they find themselves traveling over the Misty Mountains where they are driven underground by goblins. Along the way, they drink a lot of wine and sing songs of glory and valor. I hereby declare that the wine must be Pinot Noir.

Each bottle sending you into submission, we created something even more powerful than before. Something that we never would have thought possible in the beginning. A line of varietal-specific California wines that deliver in every bottle enjoyed. After the first sip, things will never be the same. Now is the time to surrender, and experience, SUBMISSION wines.

With premium ingredients, superior taste and an international range of flavors, Coppa Cocktails becomes the best cocktail on the planet, winning the hearts and minds of a diverse and international community of cocktail curious people.

The Lexington Brewing Co. was revived in 1999, restoring a craft beer tradition amid the rolling hills of Kentucky’s bourbon country. They make good use of fresh bourbon barrels to produce an award-winning line of barrel-aged beers at Kentucky’s largest craft brewery.

Our friends from Baobab will be pouring a beautiful bevy of South African Wines.

“Coyote Gold is the absolutely best margarita I have ever had!”

- Brian from CO

Come to Bubbles and taste - you’ll agree with Brian.


We are open 9 am - 8 pm, Monday

through Saturday

Sunday, 10 am - 8 pm



675 Genoa Way

Castle Rock, CO 80109

Telephone: (303) 468-8100

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