Subject: RE: Feedback Update and Incentive Winners

Get A Life - Global

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Thank You

Welcome to all the new subscribers first of all! 👋🏼 Over 10,000 people now receiving this update in 100+ countries. 🗺️

Thank you for all your feedback on the website over the weekend. I'll give the names of the incentive winners at the end of this update. 🏆🤝

I have spent yesterday and today implementing your suggestions including the main one. The colour!

Not too many of you were fond of the grey so I have changed it to a bright blue. 💙🔵

I have also updated the intro to make it clearer what the purpose of the website is about! I think I will make a short home page video for this purpose too!

Just for absolute clarity, this is the purpose of Get A Life!

The principles in Think And Grow Rich, (when applied), can make you a millionaire from nothing. I am living proof of that. The book has created millions of millionaires since 1937.

The principles, (when applied), can make you healthy, happy and content. I am living proof of that too!

    "Rich" by the way, means Rich in health, wealth, time and happiness!

The problem is that MOST people won't read a book or don't know how to apply the principles to their daily lives.

Get A Life solves the problem by offering the information in movie/film/Netflix/4K. 🎥🎞️🎬

Stage 1 - Watch The Movie

It's in Hollywood/cinema format so you can play it in a cinema if you like. If you don't have a cinema use your phone/tablet/tv.

If someone can't press play on their phone/tablet/tv I can't help them. 🤣

If they can, I'm offering the movie free for 7 days at - 

Movie Intro

Stage 2 - Complete The Course

Unlike most courses you don't need to type or write anything. The course is 14 short videos which you can watch like a Netflix series.

Once completed you get a certificate and you can now apply what you have learned in your daily life to improve your wealth, health, time and happiness.

How Can You Watch The Course?

I am privately offering the entire course to my newsletter subscribers for just $147! That's 85% OFF!

There is nothing more life transforming you will spend $147 on in 2025.

I still watch the movie once or twice a year, and episodes from the course every week, in my car, making dinner etc.

We wash regularly to keep our bodies clean, how often to we clean our minds?! Just one of the many important lessons you will learn as you want.

Click HERE for 85% OFF! 

Course introduction

Stage 3 - Share The Movie/Course And Make Passive Income

I don't want money to be a barrier for us getting this movie/course out to the world so I am offering the entire business for free.

Included for free:

✅Your own websites to promote.

✅Marketing materials/images/videos for promotion.

✅50% commission on all sales. - 40% tier 1 and 10% tier 2.

✅Your own dashboard to track everything.

✅One-on-one sales training and support from me.

How Much Can You Make?

EG 1: You send your course link to one influencer on YouTube and he/she buys it. You make $78.80 (40%)

He/she offers it to their 70,0000 followers and 1000 buy it - $197 x 10% ($19.70) x 1000 = $19,700 for you!

EG 2: You speak to a company CEO and recommend that his/her 100 staff complete the course. He/she agrees to send them your link via HR.

100 x $78.80 (40%) = $7880 for you!

How many introductions to companies, businesses, influencers could you make every day?

The movie is generic, the course is generic. The information is just as relevant now as it was 50 years ago. It will still be relevant in another 50 years.

You can offer it in any country where people have a card/PayPal. The possibilities are endless.

Most importantly people will thank you once they complete it. The information is worth thousands of times the cost.

Register as an affiliate for free - HERE 


I have been working in sales for over 30 years now both online and offline and will be more than happy to help you.

Once you have registered and completed the movie/course we can book a zoom call and give you some personalised sales training. 😁

If you don't need any help everything is provided and you can just go ahead and build your business.

It is my intention to build a solid community of business owners and organise some get togethers in the years ahead! They are always fun!

Recommended Companies And Services

I use various products and services which help me earn passive income, with my marketing improve my health etc and these can be found at


That's Get A Life in a nutshell.

Movie -> Course -> Business/Passive Income -> Repeat

Incentive Winners

I promised that I would give away the movie and course to two lucky winners who gave me website feedback over the weekend.

I am proud to announce that they are Des O Kelly and Mike Jones. Please check your dashboard for the movie, Living the Legacy and all the bonuses.

That's all for today! As always please send me a message on WhatsApp or book a zoom call.

Emails are fine but the sooner we can actually talk the sooner I can give you the personalised help you need.

Plus it's good to talk and share ideas! 💡

Have a great week anyway whatever you are up to. 😁


WhatsApp +357 99877742

Zoom - HERE

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The content provided in this newsletter is for informational and entertainment purposes only and should not be construed as financial advice. I am not a licensed financial advisor, and any financial decisions you make are your responsibility. Always consult with a professional before making any financial, legal, or business decisions. I assume no liability for any financial outcomes or losses resulting from actions taken based on the information provided.