Subject: Passive Income, Get A Life And Holidays News

You are receiving this newsletter as you have registered in a business, website or app with Brian McGinty between 2013-2024. Please unsubscribe at the bottom if you don't want any more updates.

Hi again,

               Welcome to the new subscribers this week! 🤝 Weather is great here in Malta and i've been out about in the Get A Life car every day! 🏎️

I want to firstly thank everyone who has bought my book and especially those who have left a review!

39 reviews, 4 or 5 star, so I'm super grateful for that.

You can see all the reviews HERE

These reviews mean more subscribers for the app and more subscribers means that I can create more and better content for you.

Its also the best thing to be helping people around the world I have never met and never will!

It's a fantastic experience, and I highly recommend writing a book or creating an app if its in your mind to do so!😎📖

Just let me know if you are interested and i'll guide you through how I did both. 🤝

New Content for June

This month I have added two new features to the app!

It now has over $3500 in content and I am way ahead of schedule for creating content! Lots more to come. 😁👌

The first one for June is a course on how to create a Powerful Digital marketing campaign. 🚀

I know a lot of my readers are involved in various businesses but many do not know how to go about creating and running digital marketing.

This course will guide you through it step-by-step. 😊

Secondly I have added a section on "safe ways to make passive income" This is a personal service for subscribers where I teach them how to make passive income based on their time, skill, funds and risk tolerance.

Not Got The App Yet?

If you don't have the App yet you can get it at 

Earn Passive Income From Get A Life

Don't forget I have also created a totally free way to make passive income from the app.

Simply tell your friends, share your link online etc earn 50% of the subscription cost yourself!

  1. Register as a free affiliate HERE 

  2. Share your link!

Easy as that!

Just get in touch if you have any trouble accessing your affiliate link.

All information and contacts as always at


I am going on holidays to Ireland this weekend for a wedding and will be back in Malta around the 10th of June. 😁

I will not be online much, not doing any calls for sure and having a digital break as much as possible.

There are lot of cool things happening with The Metaverse Shopping Mall, LTL Mentorship and Vyvo Inpersona with all three ready to launch/launch new products over the coming weeks.

If you would like any specific information on any of those projects please get in touch before this Thursday or after 10th July.

And if you use any of the social media channels below please add me for daily updates and info.

The best way to get in touch is to either reply to this Newsletter, send me a WhatsApp at +35679095700 or use the booking calendar at 

This is the direct link -

I hope you are enjoying June so far and are enjoying good health, good wealth, plenty of time and lots of happiness.

If you are missing out on any the answers are in the app! 🙌😊

To your success,


Disclaimer - This website is for educational purposes only and gives no financial advice. Brian McGinty is not a financial advisor and recommends products that he likes and uses himself. Before purchasing anything, make sure to seek advice from your own financial advisor or financial expert if you feel you need to. Any problems with products must be addressed with the companies who supply the products and from whom contracts are arranged.