Subject: Sending the LOVE of our LORD JESUS to YOU!

How are you today? Are you with our Lord Jesus? Truly? Are you feeling, living and EXPRESSING the JOY of the LORD?

If you have ANY doubts and fears about what is happening out there in the world, let them go right NOW in the name of our LORD JESUS CHRIST!

He says that we are either "with Him or against Him". When He tells us "not to worry" are you continuing to worry? If so, are you listening to Him or not?

If you are concerned about ANYTHING, let Him do the worrying for you. Give ALL of your worries and fears to Him. Ask Lord Jesus to HELP you! Ask and ask! Have what He calls the "audacity" to keep asking until you get what you are asking for.

In the Gospels, seen in Matthew 6:26-28 Lord Jesus is telling ALL of humanity to stop this mad worrying that people do. He says, "Look at the birds of the air: They do not sow or reap or gather into barns—and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?"

When He says not to worry and people then go on worrying, what is this? When I was singing and preaching at a church in Mumbai, India, just before I returned to Australia (prior to Covid 19), I heard an Indian preacher say something I believed I was previously the only person to preach about and that is that the "spiritual realms" run the physical realms, not the other way around! He was shouting at the congregation that so many Christians were being destroyed because they did not what the devil was doing in their lives.

If we are not obeying the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ, whose teachings or ways are we listening to and obeying? If you are a constant worrier and Lord Jesus tells all of us not to worry, then what are you doing? He says that there are only "TWO masters", "God and mammon". "Mammon is defined in some Holy Bibles as "the world".

If you have been brought up by parents who worry, or you have had experiences that have brought you to be a fearful person, so therefore you are worrying about all kinds of things, but you go to church on Sundays and would truly believe you are a Christian, you need to come to Lord Jesus and ask Him to help you because you need help.

When Lord Jesus commands us not to "worry" He isn't joking. I have spoken about this to many Christians who have almost proudly told me that they are a "worrier". When I have said to them that Lord Jesus tells us "not to worry" often there has been a response where the person is shrugging or laughing these words off and going on quite happy to continuing worrying as if it is something to be proud of.

Lord Jesus says to us all that anyone who "believes in Him" will be saved. He also says that if we "love Him" we will obey His commands! When He tells us not to worry and people continue to worry, do you really believe that when He returns, He will find this a funny or cute little thing that in the face of His command not to worry, you have gone on worrying?

So important to take Lord Jesus DEADLY SERIOUSLY as if your LIFE depends on this! He IS the LIFE! If we do not take Him seriously how can we expect Him to be thrilled with us when He returns!

He is the "BREAD OF LIFE"! Take HIM SERIOUSLY! If you are addicted to worrying, ask, ask and ask again for our Father, Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit to HELP you. Realise that the worrying or fearing worldly things is all coming from the devil. He is behind all wickedness. We must come with our Lord Jesus to be delivered from this wickedness.

"Repent NOW for the Kingdom of GOD is at HAND" said Lord Jesus over 2,000 years ago! If you know you are disobeying Lord Jesus, take this seriously, reach out to Him and say, Lord Jesus I repent of...... whatever it is you know you need to repent of and ASK HIM to help you. Ask other Christians to pray for you. Ask for deliverance from the hold the devil has over you and come with Lord Jesus.

I am releasing a new song very soon, called 'Come follow me'. It will be a great comfort to you. I will let you know when it is online. It will help you to follow Him every step of the way!

God bless you and keep talking with our Father, Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit,

With love through Lord Jesus to you,

Kelly Newton-Wordsworth
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