Subject: Who are 2020’s top corporate polluters? Find out in the new Brand Audit Report!

Dear Friend,

Every year, Break Free From Plastic members and allies come together during World Cleanup Month to identify and call out the top corporate polluters through brand audits. This year may have posed a lot of challenges to our fight to end plastic pollution at the source, but that didn’t stop the 14,734 volunteers in 55 countries from doing 575 brand audits! 🙌

We’re now excited to share the results of everyone's hard work and dedication in the

🔥BFFP Brand Audit Report 2020!🔥

View report

You will not be surprised to find many familiar names on this year’s top corporate polluters list, including The Coca-Cola Company, PepsiCo., and Nestlé. BFFP is calling on these top polluting brands to immediately: 

(1) Reveal how much single-use plastic they use

(2) Set clear, measurable targets for reducing the quantity of single-use plastic items they produce

(3) Reinvent their product delivery systems to move beyond single-use plastic altogether  

Check out this short video on #BrandAudit2020:

Join us in holding them accountable! Read the report, share it, and tag the top polluters on social media. You can check out our social media toolkit 💥 here 💥 for inspiration.

Thank you for being a part of this global effort! And a special shout-out to the fantastic volunteers and waste picker groups from around the world who conducted brand audits despite the challenging circumstances. 🙏


Sybil Bullock (Brand Audit Coordinator) and the BFFP team

P.S. If you have any photos of your brand audit or would like to contribute a story about your activity, please send them to