Subject: Show your support for the #WeChooseReuse day of action in Brussels!💪

#WeChooseReuse Signature Handover

The time has finally arrived!

The #WeChooseReuse campaign has been calling on decision-makers to ensure that reusable packaging and reuse systems become the norm in Europe by adopting ambitious legislation, including reuse targets and economic incentives for reuse. The campaign is supported by over 100,000 individuals, 165 NGOs, 295 businesses, and 34 municipalities across Europe.

On the 12th October from 09:00 - 18:00, #WeChooseReuse will be outside the European Parliament in Brussels with an exhibition on reuse. This exhibition of panels will aim to illustrate what Europe could look like if EU decision-makers were to commit to making reuse a reality, but also what Europe could look like if decision-makers choose the path of 'business as usual'.

The action will culminate with a signature handover to European Commission Vice President, Frans Timmermans.

Show your #WeChooseReuse support on the day of the action and handover!

Help us amplify the action and signature handover on the 12th October 2022. Check out our social media and online activation toolkit with posts that can be shared throughout today, calling on decision-makers to set ambitious legislation in the run-up to the PPWD revision.