Subject: More Fish, Less Plastic

More Fish, Less Plastic

It is well-known now that plastic pollution is choking our oceans and killing sea life. Over 1 million marine animals are killed each year due to plastic pollution in the sea.

If the current plastic pollution rates continue, in 27 years, there will be more plastic in the sea than fish.

Reference: Wearden G. (2016, January 19). More plastic than fish in the sea by 2050, says Ellen MacArthur. The Guardian. More plastic than fish in the sea by 2050, says Ellen MacArthur | Davos 2016 | The Guardian

Today, we have a once in a lifetime opportunity to turn the tide on plastic pollution. The global plastics treaty can bring the systemic change that our oceans, our planet and our communities so desperately need. Sign the petition to support the treaty here.

Add your name to tell world leaders to support a global treaty on plastic pollution that addresses this entire life cycle of plastics, including extraction, production, transport, use, disposal, and remediation today!

Track all plastic packaging disposed of throughout your day (e.g. food wrappers, beverage containers) for as short as 1 day and as long as 7 days. Your data will be aggregated anonymously to identify the top polluting brands. BFFP will then use this data to motivate companies to embrace plastic-free systemic change. Get started today!

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