Subject: Latest reuse news from Europe: check out the #WeChooseReuse newsletter

Last week saw the first of two major votes on the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation. The European Parliament's Committee on Environment...

Mixed results for first PPWR votes

Last week saw the first of two major votes on the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation. The European Parliament's Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) voted on its report on the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation, reacting to the proposal issued by the European Commission in November 2022. A major milestone after long delays, difficult negotiations and intense industry lobbying.

The outcome? Advocates and supporters of the #WeChooseReuse campaign ended the week with mixed emotions. The work of those who have championed the calls of the #WeChooseReuse campaign has paid off, with reuse being given a significant chance under the proposed legislation. But we cannot ignore the compromises that were made: reuse targets for the takeaway sector will not be included in the PPWR, and bio-based plastics will be permitted to be used in recycled content targets.

We are under 1 month away from the European Parliament plenary vote taking place during the week of 20th November. All eyes are on this next vote as we hope to see the EU commit to setting Europe on a course for reducing packaging and packaging waste and a future for reusable packaging systems.

Civil society champion #WeChooseReuse in Brussels, ahead of EU votes on PPWR

In the run-up to last week's ENVI vote, #WeChooseReuse advocates and #BreakFreeFromPlastic and Rethink Plastic alliance members, gathered in Brussels at the end of September to keep up the pressure on EU decision-makers to adopt a strong and ambitious PPWR.

We used the opportunity to ask some of our key partners what's at stake for them and their stakeholders in the upcoming PPWR and why reuse must be at the forefront of any new EU regulation.

Stephen Russell (ANEC), Jack McQuibban (Zero Waste Europe) and Fernando Rodríguez-Mata Fernández (New ERA) spoke to #WeChooseReuse to let us know what role reuse plays for them and their organisations. Check out our blog to find out more.

Reuse news from around Europe

New packaging data for Europe released by Eurostat

Eurostat's updated data on packaging revealed new record levels of packaging waste.

Europe has seen a record increase of 10.8 kg of packaging waste in the last year, reaching 188.7kg per capita.

Eurostat revealed that 84 million tonnes of packaging waste has been generated in the EU. 40.3% of which was paper and cardboard, 19% plastic, 18.5% glass, 17.1% wood and 4.9% metal.

This data proved key in the run-up to last week's ENVI vote and as we look toward the European Parliament Plenary vote at the end of November, MEPs would do well to take note of this worrying data and really consider how their vote could contribute to significantly reducing packaging waste in the future.

Businesses, NGOs and Scientists across Denmark voice the need for a national system for reusable takeaway packaging

Last week, a united front of stakeholders sent an open letter to the Danish Government urging politicians to expedite the development of a national reuse system that would benefit both the environment and the climate.

Reusable packaging could, among other things, replace the 130 million to-go cups discarded in Denmark each year. Moreover, it would be an economic advantage for companies in the restaurant industry if a large-scale reuse system is implemented.

The open letter points out, that such a system would have broad support in the Danish population, as a study reveals that 92% of the population in Denmark are willing to return their used packaging if a reuse system existed.

UK Refill Coalition Launches First In-Store Trial at Aldi

As part of its shared mission to fight single-use plastic packaging waste, the UK Refill Coalition launched a pilot at Aldi UK in its Solihull store.

A reusable bulk vessel has been developed to deliver refills at scale for key food staples (e.g., cereals and pasta) and household products (e.g., cleaning and personal care products), removing single-use plastic packaging when moving goods from supplier to customer and driving efficiencies.

This allows retailers to sell refill products at a cheaper price than their packaged equivalents – all customers need to do is bring their own containers. Subject to a successful trial, Coalition retailers intend to roll out refill stations in their stores and online.

City to Sea launch new guide on successful returnable cup schemes

City to Sea, a leading environmental organisation, and Circular&Co., pioneers of circular design, have launched a comprehensive new guide, “The future is returnable. Taking a circular approach to hot drinks” - outlining a blueprint for establishing a successful returnable cup scheme.

The guide, which is completely free to download, draws on first-hand experience, as well as insight and expertise from more than 20 industry experts, leading reuse brands, and businesses.

It includes a full breakdown of what any organisation will need to consider when looking to get a returnable cups scheme off the ground, including case studies, practical examples and tools.

What do different business sectors think of reuse?

The European Reuse Alliance (New ERA), stands as a collective voice for organizations promoting reusable packaging solutions throughout Europe.

Take a look to see why European businesses want to maximise the impact of the PPWR with their newly released interviews of businesses and organisations as part of their "We Are Reuse" project.

Reuse Events


Capannori, Italy

30 September - 1 October 2023

Capannori, Italy, hosted ReFestival: a weekend entirely dedicated to repair and reuse, with conferences, workshops and markets aimed at sharing knowledge and promoting reuse systems.

Plastic Free Gathering UK 2024

Victoria Park, Leicester, UK

Looking ahead to 2024, the Plastic Free Gathering will be a place that brings together changemakers, campaigners, and activists working towards a reduction of single-use plastics in their communities.

Reusable Packaging Fair

Utrecht, the Netherlands

27th November 2023

On the 27th of November, the Reusable Packaging Fair in Utrecht, the Netherlands, will bring together supply and demand from several sectors and product categories. Explore the market squares with over 30 reuse solution providers, or dive into one of the 15 breakout sessions on reuse.

Organised by Mission Reuse, Afvalfonds Verpakkingen / Kennisinstituut Duurzaam Verpakken and the ministry for the environment.

The event is in Dutch, with the exception of two breakout sessions.

Reuse Reads

Fern perspective on ENVI vote

Tackling single-use plastic packaging should not come at the expense of forests. With Europe seeing a major increase in use of single-use paper packaging, make sure to check out the perspective of FERN on last week's ENVI vote.

Review of EPR for Packaging Waste in Belgium

Waste prevention and reuse are at the top of the waste hierarchy, but so far they have not been the focus for municipal packaging waste in Belgium.


A new paper by Recycling Netwerk Benelux looks into how Producer Responsibility Organisations, such as Fost Plus to change this and encourage municipalities to prioritise waste prevention and reuse systems.

New Blueprint for reuse solutions for takeaway packaging

Zero Waste Europe's ReuSe Vanguard Project (RSVP) has published a blueprint on how to scale up the implementation of reuse solutions for takeaway packaging. Taking lessons from city-scale projects that implement local reuse ecosystems, the blueprint demonstrates the potential to set realistic reuse targets for the takeaway sector and transform Europe's packaging systems for the better!

Op-ed: The future of reusable packaging in Europe hangs in the balance

Read Zero Waste Europe's Op-Ed ahead of the ENVI vote on the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR), published in English, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, and Spanish.

Reloop position paper: Packaging Reuse

With the upcoming plenary vote on the EU's Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation, Reloop has published a new position paper on why embracing the essential functions of packaging while limiting its environmental footprint necessitates moving from single-use-only and towards reuse.