Subject: Join us for Zero Waste Month in Asia Pacific this February!

Dear Friend,

Happy new year! 🎉

Let's kick-off 2021 with real solutions to the plastic pollution crisis. We invite you to join other Break Free From Plastic members in Asia Pacific in celebrating 🌱 Zero Waste Month 🌱 this February 2021! 

We hope you'll take a few minutes to 📝 answer this short survey about your plans for Zero Waste Month.📝 

From establishing zero waste communities, to opening zero waste stores, to lobbying for local legislation—BFFP is looking to showcase the zero waste work that members like you are implementing in your locale. Or maybe you've got webinars or local activities planned that you'd like us to share with a broader audience?

Historically, Zero Waste Month has always been celebrated in the Philippines due to Presidential Proclamation No. 760 issued in 2014. But as nations plan to transition post-COVID-19, creating more resilient cities and communities is necessary now more than ever. And with so many amazing zero waste efforts in Asia Pacific, this is an excellent opportunity to celebrate your work and share them with others who are just starting their zero waste journey.

If you're interested in doing something (whether big or small!) but don't know where to start, just let me know so I can connect you with the BFFP coordinator assigned to your country.

Hope to hear from you soon!


Skye Male

Community Engagement Manager

Break Free From Plastic