Θέμα: Newsletter_English Course_ Εισαγωγικά Μαθήματα στα Αγγλικά_Οκτώβριος 2018

Friday 12 October, 
Evening Raja Yoga Meditation courses in English

"The Philosophy and Practice of Raja Yoga" 

You will go through clear, concise steps of understanding, practice, application
and benefits of Raja Yoga. Each lesson links progressively explaining the theory,
practice and effects of the meditational experience. 

The first 4 sessions cover: 
soul identity; using the power of thoughts to find peace/silence; the knowledge/experience of the Supreme Soul; and the eight powers of the soul.

The second 4 sessions enhance a greater spiritual awareness through deepening the experience and understanding of eternal spiritual laws and principles, such as Karma Philosophy; Cyclical time; The Spiritual World Tree of Humanity - our interconnectedness; the nature, form and role of the Supreme

Start Date/Time: Friday 12 October, 7pm-8:30pm

Arrival: 6:45pm,the door closes at 7pm
Duration of all the 8 sessions: 8 weeks - one session a week every Friday.

For Registrations:

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Πνευματικό Κέντρο Brahma Kumaris, Θάσου 12α, 11257, Αθήνα, Greece
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