Subject: Power Tip: Design Your Book Cover? (My EXACT Search Settings)

Dear Friend,

I get this quite a lot...

"Dominic, I know we DIY our book cover in the workshop so we have something to motivate ourselves with... to get our book published. I remember you recommend us to hire a designer but I really like the cover I created. Can I use the one I did?"

Sure... BUT! 

Only if you meet any of the following conditions:


✅ You're a product designer, OR;

✅ You don't really care about the success of your digital book

HAHAHA! But jokes aside...

How much would customers be willing to pay if you used a packaging boxes like this?


How about the same product inside...

BUT, packaged in a different box now?

That's literally how my physical product clients can charge DOUBLE to FOUR TIMES the price customers can find on Chinese websites (Shh! Don't say I told you)

...and they still get customers who gladly buy from them!

Different Designs = Different Perceived Value = Different Amounts of Money Your Clients Are Willing to Pay

So the next time you have the urge to design your own Digital book when you're not a professional designer...

Ignore it and get it done PROFESSIONALLY😉

Click here for the EXACT settings I use to search for Book Cover designers >>

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Dominic Tay
Digital Marketing & Bestselling Products Mentor

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