Subject: LAST 24hrs: Feel EXCITED Next Monday OR "Monday Blues"?

Dear Friend,

Come next Monday...

Do you want to wake up feeling PURPOSEFUL and PASSIONATE

... Or...

Do you want to feel numb or "Monday blue"?

If you've been feeling unproductive... Or stuck...

Or you feel like you're losing control of your life...

And no YouTube motivational videos or self help books can get you out of the rut PERMANENTLY...

This is your chance to RECLAIM control of your life...

And break through whatever that's hiding you back...

And be truly UNSTOPPABLE

Unlike going through a video or a book just taking down notes and learning...

We'll be INTERACTING and DOING activities TOGETHER to:

  • UNCOVER your life purpose so you wake up with excitement running through your body EVERY morning

  • CREATE R.E.S.U.L.T goals that you'll actually achieve without having to fight that procrastination or guilt of not achieving (Forget S.M.A.R.T goals. This works better)

  • REDESIGN your Daily Routines to experience true PASSION and PURPOSE every day (Are you truly ALIVE or are you just a walking, mindless zombie like many others?)

  • MASTER motivation and other emotions so you can summon them at will (PLUS, you'll discover how to handle negative emotions before they take over you)

  • INSTALL empowering habits (and eliminate unsupportive habits or addictions) that will create UNSTOPPABLE MOMENTUM for you to become the person you'll feel prouder of

  • And more!

So besides graduating with the strategies that have helped my clients and I get BREAKTHROUGHs in our results...

You'll also walk away with the EXPERIENCE and the LIFE CHANGING RESULTS of implementing them.

Not to mention, you'll also have your DAILY ROUTINES redesigned to SUPPORT you achieving your goals and your LIFE PURPOSE

... So you can live with PASSION instead of having to fight with procrastination every day.

No joke.

You're literally going to graduate from the training feeling EXCITED ABOUT YOUR LIFE.

Join here and see you tomorrow?

P.S. If you're serious in joining and you've got some challenges, let me know by replying to this email. I'll do my best to help.


Dominic Tay
Digital Marketing & Bestselling Products Mentor

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