Subject: [BPW] LIMITED Super-Subsidized Reattendance Tickets For Grabs!

Dear Friend,

Especially in the last few months, I have been receiving many request from graduates to re-attend and re-experience the excitement of the 2-day LIVE training.

So click here to watch my video reply >>

Here are some of the most common reasons I've received so far:

  • "Got too busy after the workshop and then I lost focus"

  • "I can't find the mood/motivation/discipline to do anything"

  • "It is so different when I go back to the 'real world' and don't have you (Dominic) to push me"

  • "I find that I can focus better during your (Dominic's) live training"

  • "I need to see actual demo of what to do again before I will feel confident enough"

So after some deliberation, I've decided to do something I've NEVER done before...

For the FIRST TIME and only for this upcoming batch...

I'm going to allow graduates to reattend the virtual 2-day Bestselling Profits Workshop via Zoom.

It's going to happen on 24 & 25 September 2022, 9pm to 7pm.

And unlike most courses out there that charges 50% of the usual investment to re-attend, I'm subsidize wayyyy more than that!

Get More Details & Your Reattendance Ticket Here >> 

If you've been my graduate since forever, you'd know I've NEVER done this before..

And as you may have guessed it correctly...

I'm probably not going to do this again anytime soon


a) It's going to be confusing for my event organizer who is used to supporting my online training filled with only new attendees (Now they have to track which attendee came from their side and which came from mine)

b) Any experienced trainer will tell you it is far more challenging to train people with varying levels of knowledge and keep them engaged throughout

Quite frankly...

I'm already feeling nervous training both new-comers and graduates just by the thought of it! (This is actually my first time 😰)


This is going to be your first... and probably only chance to reattend the 2-day LIVE training.

Get Your Reattendance Ticket Here >> 

I look forward to training with you LIVE (again)!