Subject: [BPW BOOSTER LIVE] Re-Cap. Re-Align. Re-Motivate.

Dear Friend,

How have you been?

We're living in a world with HUGE demands -- both at home and at work -- and with MASSIVE distraction devices.

It's SOOOOO easy to get "busy" and overwhelmed with everything else... except really working on our goals and business.

And even if you've been "doing"...

It's also very easy to forget to take a step back to see if we're actually moving in the right direction...

And that's why...


BPW BOOSTER LIVE (Details Below)

Date: Monday, 3 Oct 2022

Time: 8pm - 10pm

Here are 3 objectives of the session:

1. Re-Cap... what you've learned (and/or forgotten)

2. Re-Align... to make sure you're moving in the right direction

3. Re-Motivate... so you can get more things done with lesser mental resistance

This is ZERO-COST Virtual (LIVE) session for all BPW Graduates **ONLY**. (Please don't invite any guests to this session)

That said...

Before You Register For The Event....

Understand I'm **NOT** doing this out of obligation, but purely out of my GOODWILL and PASSION to coach people -- like you -- to get results.

So, you have to first AGREE to these TWO conditions before you register and turn up:

1. When you turn up, you agree to bring along your POSITIVE LEARNING ATTITUDE + Your COMMITMENT to succeed.

(Just got to say this, so no-one will turn up with the lousy attitude of "I'm just here to see"... unwilling to participate, take down notes or take action)

2. When you register, you agree you will SET A REMINDER and turn up AHEAD OF TIME for the event.

I don't know about you, but here's how I look at this...

When someone registers for something, they're making a PROMISE they will turn up.

...Just like when I do any coaching or training, I make a promise to myself to always DO MY BEST and add MASSIVE value to whoever that turns up.

That's how I've helped my clients make extra millions of dollars... though they don't pay me millions.

So just like any human...

I get VERY disappointed when someone goes back on their promise and don't turn up... (Yes, my counsellor has already advised me thinking this way is not very healthy for my mental well-being :-P)

So if you agree to this -- and only if you do...

Then register your seat here (Time & Date inside):

I so look forward to seeing you and adding value to you during the LIVE session!

P.S. I'm still undecided if I want to provide a recording of this session because:

a) this gives *some* individuals the excuse not to turn up LIVE (if you're a coach/trainer/consultant, you would have gotten this ALL the time), and;

b) It takes extra effort for me to prepare and send out the recording on my end... but I only enjoy doing training, not doing "technical stuffs" like post-editing video, uploading it again, crafting an email, sending it out... you get it (hey, I'm just being honest and human about it here)

So long story short, let's just take it that there's NO recording for now.


Dominic Tay
Digital Marketing & Bestselling Products Mentor

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