Subject: Anything YOU want to add for this weekend?

Dear Friend,

As you probably know by now...

I'm having a 2-day HANDS-ON workshop this weekend called...


This is THE MOST LIFECHANGING workshop I've ever created


Because it doesn't matter whether you want to...

BOOST your wealth...

IMPROVE your health...

OVERCOME an addiction...

BUILD meaningful relationships you have with others...

SCALE your career/business...

There's ONE constant you can't avoid that you'll be carrying along ALL these aspects of your life...

What's that? Well, that is...


You probably know people who have changed their job... their business... their romantic partner...handphone... house... you name it

But they keep facing similar "problems" again and again


Because while we can change our environment and the people in it...

NOTHING will change permanently until we change WHO we are and WHAT we do HABITUALLY.

Make sense?

And that's exactly what I'm going to cover this weekend.

And as with all my workshops, you won't be just LEARNING...

You'll also be DOING activities to put what you learn to WORK FOR YOU immediately.

This is the roadmap you'll be guided through (enable images for this email if you don't see it):

And in addition...

Here's what else you'll discover...


To make these changes PERMANENT...

But that's only the beginning!

....And that's also where YOU come in.

Listen, I'm COMMITTED to make this weekend...

THE MOST LIFECHANGING weekend for YOU (I'm serious)

So tell me...

"Is there anything else you want me to add that will help you make the BIGGEST BREAKTHROUGH in your results?"

Just reply to this email to let me know...

And of course, if you've not joined and you want to... go here and join me now.

To YOUR 'Year of BIGGEST Breakthrough' yet!

P.S. Even if you're not available this weekend, you can still go here to join me and let me know what else to add. As long as you've joined, this weekend WILL be recorded and you will have access to the recordings when they are ready.


Dominic Tay
Digital Marketing & Bestselling Products Mentor

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