Subject: 2023: "Break YOU" Or "BreakTHROUGH"? (Invite Inside)

Dear Friend,

Whether you're ready or not, 2023 is coming in just a few days.

But unlike all the previous years...

2023 is probably either going to be a year where it BREAKS you, or you BREAKTHROUGH...

Here's why...

1. Costs of EVERYTHING -- food, house, insurance, kids education, groceries and so on -- are increasing at a FASTER rate than the previous years...

2. Salaries are not moving up as fast as the cost of living/hyper-inflation...

3. Businesses are getting even more competitive, while customers are having lesser attention span because of social media and modern-day distractions...

4. Investment markets have crashed with NO clear signs of recovery in sight...


You can still foolishly HOPE that things will get better in 2023...

... OR ...

You can proactively MAKE things better in 2023...


That's exactly what I'm going to share in the upcoming closed-door training on 5th Jan 2023, 8:30PM (GMT+8).

It's going to be a 2-hour workshop where I'm going to walk you through what you'll need to BREAKTHROUGH your own limits, regain control over your financial future and be truly UNSTOPPABLE in 2023!

You’re receiving this invite because you've either invested in yourself through my products or training.

If you would like to join us for this closed-door training, get registered here.

This is a one-off training and may not be repeated.

See you there!


Dominic Tay
Digital Marketing & Bestselling Products Mentor

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