Subject: Why So Serious? 😈

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That line comes from the movie, "The Dark Knight."

It's one of the most iconic lines from any Batman movie, and it's delivered by the late Heath Ledger who played The Joker 🃏

It's a line that gets me thinking...

So often in my job as a project manager I felt overwhelmed with all the details I had to stay on top of.

These details ended up going well beyond the job duties of a project manager.

And because I was constantly bombarded with fires to put out, technical details to stay on top of, customers to appease, slack to pick up and an unsupportive boss to try and work with - I looked serious.

Some may say that I looked stressed and upset (which might be accurate) 😡

If it's all the same, I'd prefer to stick with serious.

At any rate, when I hear the line "Why so serious?" I find it interesting to see that it's the villain who seems to be having fun while everyone else is stressing out.

Even the good guys 😇

And it got me thinking...

After all, if things aren't going well and you're stressed out, you're not having fun.

But if things are going well, it's easy to laugh, joke around and enjoy yourself.

And yet, so many "trading gurus" or "financial advisors" seem sooo boring and serious.

So I have to ask, "Why so serious?"

After all, when things are going well I'm smiling, joking around, and not afraid to show that I'm having a great time.

But so many of these people seem fully starched and robotic 👾

It's like every last semblance of humor or personality has been permanently bleached out of them.

And I don't understand why.

After all, inside "The Empirical Collective" we and our members are having a great time!

So when I look at all these other finance-types....

It leads me to think that they are stressed, overworked, overwhelmed, chained to their computer all day and not getting the results they want.

Just like I was when I was a project manager.

But whenever I see those financial gurus, it makes me wonder... if things are going well,

"Why so serious?" 😈

If you're ready to start enjoying life along with the rest of The High Society, inside The Empirical Collective, click here:

Here's to keeping things simple and enjoying life!

Brett Davison