Subject: The ONE Good Thing I Learned From My Rich Slacker Boss...

Partner Promotion: From time to time, we may feature a product or service that we fell will add significant value to you. This is one of those times.

They say there's always a silver lining to look for. ☁️

And for the most part, I think they're generally right.

I've often found some great life lessons after having gone through particularly difficult situations.

BUT! One nice thing about experience is that you can pass it on to others.

So they have the opportunity to learn - WITHOUT having to go through the painful learning process.

And so it is with the lesson of today's email.

Through the soul-crushing experience of working for my rich-slacker boss, I began to see that it wasn't necessary for me to do EVERYTHING in order to be a success.

So I began to watch how he operated.

I noticed that he spent his day working to deflect ANY form of work that came his way onto everyone else around him.

Even things that only HE could do. (Like lead the company, make executive decisions, deal with how the shop ran etc.)

But even though he took it to the extreme (to his own detriment), I could see that this was an area that I should be a little more like him.

Rather than trying to do EVERYTHING on my own, I should take a page from his book and deflect some of the workload onto others.

Essentially delegating the work and process.

Like the old saying goes, "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em."

And it's with that in mind, that I hired and built the team of financial juggernauts found inside The Empirical Collective.

After all, why spend countless years and tens - or even hundreds of thousands - of dollars trying to learn how to trade if you can just hire others and use their specialized knowledge?

Sure, I still work on becoming a better trader.

But if I can take a short cut - like my rich slacker boss - and jump ahead to where I get to actually ENJOY the benefits NOW... why wouldn't I?

It's just another way to leverage other people's skills and abilities (in an ethical way) to build the life you've always wanted.

And with a 94% trade win average, I couldn't be happier with the results.

So I guess I have something to thank my rich slacker boss for. 🙏

Maybe there really IS a silver lining in every cloud.

And if you'd like to join us on the inside, and get our exclusive trade alerts, you can get more info at:
Secret of the Rich Slacker Boss

Your Minister of Capitalism,
Brett Davison