Subject: Partner Promo: Boom! Over 36% Return!

From time to time, we feature promotions from some of our vetted partners, who provide some of the newest cash generation ideas:

These particular guys have a win record of over 94% and an average return of +24% per trade (which is UNHEARD of in the industry)

So if you're interested, here it is:

Well we just closed another winning trade inside The Empirical Collective!

It was a 36%+ return on TSLA Puts.

Once again our members were banking hard.

But we don't want you to feel left out.

We'd love to have you join us on the inside, and if you get the trading guide at the link below, you can get a trial run for just seven bucks here:

We wish you success in all you do!


Brett Davison, Samuel Goldman & All The Members of the High Society
The Empirical