Subject: [PODCAST] Introducing Brand Associations: How to Scare People Away

If you're in business, you need to be aware of the message your branding is sending.

If you get it wrong, you can end up chasing potential customers away.

And that's what we're covering in the podcast today - an introduction to our podcast & branding.

I've done it in such a way that everything will be short and to the point.

We aren't going to do any 4 hour long podcasts.


I'm going to distill everything down to it's core essence, leaving only the high-proof business growth tips behind.

It's a quick shot of business development wisdom.

If you're a small biz owner, a sales pro, an entrepreneur or someone looking to start an online business, you'll want to follow along.

You can check out it out here:

Here's to making sure our branding message doesn't repel people,

Matt Hardy Podcast