Subject: It's Finally Here - From Newb to Pro Trader in Minutes

I know you've been waiting for a while now.

Maybe you've been waiting for a change.

Maybe you've been wanting things to improve.

Maybe you've been struggling as a trader.

Whatever the case may be, I've been at work.

I've been working incredibly hard with a friend of mine, Brett Davison.

Brett's got a really interesting personal story (and part of it is how we met!) - but I'll leave that for him to tell.

But I know since you've been a part of this list that you've been waiting for me to help you... by giving you a recommendation for the best trading alert service that's out there.

And I've looked.

But in all my research I haven't found a service that's really ticked all of the boxes for me.

Oh, there are some good services out there....but none of them really did it for me.

They didn't quite offer all that I had in mind.

So Brett and I decided to bring our two visions together to make our own.

And that's why you haven't heard from me and why I've been so busy.

We've been working away - putting together a trading service that will give you the best odds possible to make money.

The exciting thing is that we've been testing it for months....and we've averaged a 94% win rate and averaged over 24% return PER TRADE.

And then Brett's added a whole different section to the membership area of the site - in addition to all of the trading info we give out.

We're calling it "The Empirical Collective" and I'm excited to offer you a chance to get in.

We're going to strictly limit the number of people on the inside - to make sure that none of the info we offer gets watered down for our members.

So if you're interested, I suggest you check it out here:

If you follow that link above, you'll get a chance at discounted access to "The Empirical Collective" immediately.

Everybody else has to buy through the full price link here: and they end up paying $159/month!

I've got a waiting list of over 180 people who are desperate to get in... and Brett and I aren't going to let that many in right now.

But I managed to talk Brett into letting me send you this quick message right away.

In exchange for that, I agreed to let Brett open the flood gates and roll out an advertising campaign in the next few days if all the spots aren't filled.

So, hey, I hope this email finds you staying safe and doing well.

And if you're doing great and this doesn't interest you, that's ok.

But if you're looking for things to improve or if you're looking for a chance to sign up for our fantastic trading alert service, click this link and check it out now.

Here's the link again:

I wish you all the success in the world,

Samuel Goldman