Subject: ❤️ THANK YOU! ❤️

Partner Promotion: From time to time, we may feature a product or service that we fell will add significant value to you. This is one of those times.


Sorry for the SHOUTY start. But I feel it's warranted! 😝

In my past experience as a project manager, I RARELY EVER got thanked.

Day in, day out, I often found myself doing things that were waaay outside the scope of what a project manager is responsible for 💼

I took on more and more responsibility until I was running my boss' business.

But I did it to keep projects moving forward.

Generally speaking, I only heard negative things: why can't the project be done sooner, cheaper, or why are the extra things we added to the project not included in the final price?

Heaven forbid we ended up being a day or two late on delivery.

(I'm sure you know what happens then!) 😡

In all my years of being a project manager, there were literally only a handful of times when I was actually thanked by a customer or the owner of the company.

In fact the most common thing I heard from my covert-narcissist boss was a remark designed to subtly debase my hard work and any success I had on a project.

He'd say, "Just some constructive criticism..." before trying to nit-pick some insignificant detail of the project 🤮

It was never lost on me that he ran from any form of involvement.

He was nowhere to be found at the beginning - or progression - of the project.

Instead, he'd sit back and swoop in at the end with some sort of comment to try and keep me from feeling like I'd done a good job 💩

☠ My (former) toxic work environment aside, I wanted to turn a negative experience into a positive one.

So I'm offering you the heartfelt "THANK YOU" that I rarely ever received 🙏

And I'm doing this because there's a good chance you probably work hard and often end up going above and beyond to make sure stuff gets done.

Maybe you're appreciated. And maybe you aren't.

In either case, I wanted to make sure that at least SOMEONE thanked you for all the work you put in and how you keep things moving forward.

So from one decent human being to another, "THANK YOU for all you do." 🙏

😎 On that note, here's a thank you picture I made just for you:

Hope you enjoy it & have an amazing day!

Your Minister of Capitalism,

Brett Davison